Call for Entries - PMA/PPFA Promotion Competition- You could win $50,000!

Rob Markoff

PFG, Picture Framing God
Mar 8, 1999
San Diego, CA USA
Someone will win $50,000. It could be you. Have you created a promotion you are very pleased with, one that brought customers to your door?

Photo Marketing Association International and Professional Picture Framers Association are now accepting entries for the 2004-2005 PMA/PPFA Promotion Competition. The objective of the biennial competition is to honor the innovation, creativity,and results of member's promotions.

PMA/PPFA Promotion Competition offers you the opportunity to win a Crystal Award and one of the following prizes:

First-Round Winners:
First Prize of $10,000
Merit Prizes of $1,000

Second-Round Winner:
The Best of the Best Prize of $40,000

Not only do the winners receive these awards and prizes, but they also receive recognition for their innovation and creativity. The First Prize winners are requested to present their promotions at a PMA 2006 PMA Convention seminar. Winners will also be interviewed for features in Photo Marketing Magazine, Newsline, For Members Only, and the PPFA and PMA websites.

For competition details, check online at where you will find the Official Rules and Procedures, a List of Qualifying Entries, the FAQ page and more.

There are categories for Small Firms (less than $500,000 year/sales) Medium Firms ($500,000 to $2 million year/sales) and Large Firms (more than $2 million year/sales) for both Consumer Markets (business to non-business customers) and Commercial Markets (business to business customers).

In 2003, the first round winner in the Small Firm category was a FRAMER as was a Merit winner!

This is some SERIOUS money, but you can't win if you don't enter!
I've got a couple of questions. When it says:

The competition is intended to recognize outstanding advertising and promotion of photo/digital products and services to amateur consumers and to the business customers of firms serving professional/commercial markets. Promotions that are intended to market photographic products and services to other photographic firms are ineligible.
NOTE: It is recommended that entries evidence an effort to promote photography or digital imaging in some manner that stresses the emotional, social, creative or utilitarian benefits of pictures.

I would imagine it does include framing, even though it only says photos and pictures.

And by stating:

Entries that focus strictly on product features, price, speed of service, size and/or quantity of product delivered, or benefits unrelated to picture taking or picture use, are not usually competitive in an event of this type.

I'm not sure what this means. If we shouldn't emphasis features, or price, or speed of service or even the amount of sales increase, what's left?
If it's only "benefits" related to [framing or framing use] just what is that? The "utilitarian benefits" of taking pictures is entirely different than of having framing done.

Does it really have anything to do with how successful a promotion was/is in terms of amount of sales and/or customer base increase?

Then it said:
Entries must have been used in photo-imaging commerce between the dates of February 23, 2002 and September 30, 2003.
And I thought, "Well, I can't use anything recent." And then I saw:

Entries must be postmarked by September 30, 2003, and received at PMA headquarters in Jackson, Michigan, USA no later than October 8, 2003.
And knew, either we're all too late, or they haven't updated the entry form yet!

Neat contest, though...

I've got a GREAT idea in the works. Might just be worth joining back up to enter.
OK so the webmaster screwed up- thanks for noticing it. I have forwarded your comments to PMA/PPFA.

Nontheless, it is still a FANTASTIC contest, and in the last competition FIRST place and a Merit Award were both won by FRAMERS>>>>>>>>>>>>!

Here is the info from the actual brochure/entry form:


Check the List of Eligible Promotions to determine if your promotion qualifies and how that media type should be submitted. For example, newspaper or magazine ads must be in a "tear sheet" form, with all copy visible. For questions visit or call (517) 788-8100.

Your entry must have been used in photo imaging, picture framing or scrapbook commerce within the time frame of February 15, 2004 to September 30, 2005.

Determine in which catagory your entry belongs: Consumer or Commercial.

You may submit as many as FIVE ENTRIES in the Consumer category/and or FIVE in the Commercial category. Of the five entries in either category, up to two entries may be campaigns.

What is a campaign?

According to the American Marketing Association, a promotional campaign is a coordinated series of promotional efforts built around a single theme and designed to achieve a specific objective. It is a group of advertisements, commercials, and related promotional materials and activities designed to illustrate that theme or objective.

For the Promotion Competition, you may enter up to two campaings in either category, if the category applies to your business. Each campaign may have a maximum of five components. A campaign is considered as one entry of your maximum five entries in a category.

Special Note - International Entries!

Any entry submitted in a language other than English must be accompanied by English Translations for each segment of the print or broadcast copy. To facilitate judging, please place the removable translations in the appropriate location on a print entry. For radio or television entries, please create a storyboard referencing the on-screen visuals, audio effects, etc. The judges must be able to readily determine what is being said and where it is being said in the submitted materials.

Fill Out Forms for Each Entry

Label each entry separately
Official Entry Form
Statement of Planning and Results

Send your Entry to PMA Promotion Competition

Photo Marketing Association International
3000 Picture Place
Jackson, MI 49201

Entries must be postmarked no later than September 30, 2005 and received at PMA Headquarters in Jackson, Michigan USA no later than October 10, 2005. Send International entries by post or international courier.

Call/send/e-mail for the actual brochure. It is much more FRAMER friendly than prior year(s) and should address all of your questions.

Merit Awards of $1,000 may be presented to ANY Consumer and/or Commercial entry that the judges deem exceptional. There is no requirement that the judges confir a Merit Award and NO LIMIT as to how many they grant in either the Consumer or Commercial category.

Thanks Rob for clarifieing. I think FrameMakers comment "Might just be worth joining back up to enter" is a very wise one. However there is also the $10000 award at the annual convention as well .PMAI offers some MAJOR incentive awards that do make memebership well worth the price of dues.

This is above and beyond the things like the Insurance change from CAPAX to Meadowbrook and what seems like a considerable savings and value to my needs.( check out the Post "this may be worth the price ogd memebership" by your truly)

People keep asking "what can I get for my DUES" ? Well here are some purely monitary answers. And the Certification program ,and educational opportuateies at their trade shows are informational advantges as well .

Maybe it would be good ideas to check out or browse their website (PPFA@PPFA.COM )and/or give them a call for the straight scoop.And do what Ron Eggers always suugest "Don't Guess get the facts".
Originally posted by Rob Markoff:
OK so the webmaster screwed up- thanks for noticing it. I have forwarded your comments to PMA/PPFA.

Your entry must have been used in photo imaging, picture framing or scrapbook commerce within the time frame of February 15, 2004 to September 30, 2005.

What is a campaign?

According to the American Marketing Association, a promotional campaign is a coordinated series of promotional efforts built around a single theme and designed to achieve a specific objective. It is a group of advertisements, commercials, and related promotional materials and activities designed to illustrate that theme or objective.

Call/send/e-mail for the actual brochure. It is much more FRAMER friendly than prior year(s) and should address all of your questions.

Merit Awards of $1,000 may be presented to ANY Consumer and/or Commercial entry that the judges deem exceptional. There is no requirement that the judges confir a Merit Award and NO LIMIT as to how many they grant in either the Consumer or Commercial category.

I wasn't being negative toward it. I think it's a great idea. In fact, (if I remember correctly) I posted a topic on this contest the very first time we read of it after the merger. I thought it was great then, and I still do.

I was just concerned that if we shouldn't emphasize features, or price, or speed of service or even the amount of sales increase, what was left?

I appreciate your clearing all this up. And indeed, if you don't enter, you can't win!
