C & H Ovalmaster For Sale

Fairfield Framing

Grumbler in Training
Apr 14, 2003
Cincinnati, OH
Here's another Ovalmaster, but this is a more recent model, in fact it's currently being sold by United, #2909, for $1,234. It's a Model 789A, does great work but has been replaced by a Wizard. Looking for a good home, asking $500. Call Kathy at (513) 868-8050 or email at carpe@zoomtown.com

This question has been asked before, but I'll ask it here.......'cause I'm really curious.

If you sell your C&H Oval Master, and a customer comes in two weeks later with their own oval frame, and would like a piece of oval glass cut, what are you going to do?

We always have cut oval glass by hand. But...we've held onto our ovalmaster because our Wizard couldn't cut round V grooves - which we have requests for. Our "new" Wizard is due any day now. We'll see what it can do. Maybe our ovalmaster will be on the market soon.