C+H Avantage G60 cutter - does it cut glass?

Steve APFA Grad_2005

Grumbler in Training
Jan 25, 2006
Williamstown, NJ
Hello - I finally mounted the material cutter I purchased used a few months ago. There's no manual, and my google seach of "C+H" gives me no company to pursue. I believe I read someplace that this cutter will cut glass, plexiglass, mat & foamboard. Is this correct? does anyone know of a resource to purchase the blades to cut glass (and other materials) for this unit? Thanks, Steve in NJ.
That model cardbaord and glass cutter has not been manufactured for over 10 - 12 years. They do cut glass. I will email you the manual, along with a number to call for technical assistance. It was manufactured by Nielsen & Bainbridge.