Buying C+H Advantage Pro Production Stops

Item(s) sought for purchase


Grumbler in Training
Dec 1, 2023
Pratt, KS
Frame Shop
Looking for production stops for a C+H Advantage Pro Model M40A. I purchased an 40" C+H that's in great shape but missing the production stops.
Here is a similar thread form a year ago:

Here is a link to the C&H Advantage Pro Manual:

Most of the parts art interchangeable between &H Advantage Pro sizes, and many are interchangeable between Advantage and Advantage Pro.
What specific parts do you need?
I may have some of the stops you need.
In the manual, The stop on page 4...I have never used. I may have a spare.
The stop on page 5...I use every time I use the machine. I likely don't have a spare.
The Mat Guide, and Material Stop...I am sure that I do not have spares.
Thanks for the replies. The only parts I'm looking for are the top and bottom production stops, which are labeled (15) on page 4 and 5 of the manual.

i was able to order a replacement set of the Oilite bearings and shim kit for the cutting head from Atscott Mfg, but that's all they had on hand as they've discarded the rest of the parts they stocked.
I will try to remember to look for spare parts.
If you can't find a end cut stop (page 5), it should be fairly easy to have something like it made, as it's a chunk of metal, a set screw, and a calibration screw.
The start cut stop would be a bit more fiddly to make.
I will try to remember to look for spare parts.
If you can't find a end cut stop (page 5), it should be fairly easy to have something like it made, as it's a chunk of metal, a set screw, and a calibration screw.
The start cut stop would be a bit more fiddly to make.
Thanks. I appreciate it!
Looking for production stops for a C+H Advantage Pro Model M40A. I purchased an 40" C+H that's in great shape but missing the production stops.
I have one that is from a C & H model CHN 4060A but not sure if it will work on the Advantage.Send me your e-mail and I will send you a picture if that would help you. If you give me a phone number I will call you if you find out if it interchanges with the Advantage model. Thanks Hershel
Looking for production stops for a C+H Advantage Pro Model M40A. I purchased an 40" C+H that's in great shape but missing the production stops.
All of my C&H, Carithers, and Fletcher bench-mounted, straight-line mat cutters came with production stops, but I never bothered to use them. You can cut perfect mats without the stops - no overcuts or undercuts on any corners. Maybe the previous owner of your cutter didn't even have the production stops.

It's not difficult to use the mat cutter without the stops. Just be careful about the blade depth, use a fresh slip sheet, and watch the entry and exit points of the blade carefully. You need to learn where to plunge the blade into the board and remove it in relationship to the pencil lines' intersections.

Consistent precision is essential, but this "eyeball" method can be fast and accurate. Practice. Practice. Practice.
What Jim said^^^^!

There are some mat cutters that require stops for successful use, but the ones Jim mentioned as well as the Keetons, Bartons, and Logans don't need stops.
Of the dozen or so mat cutters I have had only one (made by Gunnar) came with stops, and they were necessary for its operation.
Thanks. I appreciate it!
I found my box of spare parts.
I have parts of the left stop, but not the main body of it. I do not have any spare right stops.
I learned to use the machine without stops, as any non simple rectangle cuts will be done without the stops. Tetris shaped pieces from Newspapers are a common unusual shape.
I would use the Mat guide to draw my lines, then remove it to make the cuts.
Now I mostly use the mat guide and the right stop, but I do not need them if an unusual cut comes up.
If you can find a metal working shop, they could likely make you the right stop from some traced outlines.
I would be happy to trace that for you.
Thanks for the all the responses. I'm pretty adept at cutting mats without the stops and don't regularly use them, but have an opportunity to get a contract supplying mat boards for the photography and art departments at a school district and many of them are the same size. The stops would speed things up when cutting 25+ of the same size. That's why I'd like to find some, so I'll keep searching for a while. Thanks again!
Looking for production stops for a C+H Advantage Pro Model M40A. I purchased an 40" C+H that's in great shape but missing the production stops.
I have a C&H production stop kit in the tube #M0504 - it apparently is the 'stop kit' - if interested let me know - I have no use for it.