Business Names


Grumbler in Training
Sep 6, 2005
I have often thought of changing my business name but to date I have not really felt comfortable with what to change it to.
I am not happy with calling it with my own name or a town, suburb name etc
Maybe some of the grumblers have also had this thought about their own business name as some would have bought established business's
Any idea's to play with.
Hi Magnat,

Welcome to the Grumble...

I always wanted my business name to be Slightly Tilted Custom Framing, but my then buisness partner didn't like it, so we are called Beveled Edge and getting a reputation, I couldn't change the name when I became the sole owner. So make sure you are happy with the name as your reputation will follow.

I am located on the beautiful Sunshine Coast, how about you?

have a great day
I changed my name not long after I started full time. I'm glad I did that now, but I did have to write in and tell the state so they could make a record of the change and send me a new taxID certificate. The number stayed the same however. After being in business for awhile and then changing my name, I wanted to change it to "Artistic Design Your Face If You Don't Pay Me The Money Framing" But I thought it may be too much, so I changed it to just Artistic Design Framing. It works better for me. :D


What is your existing name? It would be fun to critique it.

I would be reluctant to change my store name even if it was a doozy. Your existing customers might think you’re out of business, and may get confused and search out your competitor, so it would be like starting over again from scratch.

That, plus the hassles of having to register the change with the gum’mint and having to change your logos on everything from your stationary, checks, and signage, may cost you more money than you can quickly recover.

Unless your trade name is really awful like “Bernard’s Framing and Sludge Removal”, I’d stick with what you have and build on it.
I found a framer's sticker on the back of an old frame yesterday that read "Undertaker and Picture Framer."

How's that for a combo???
Mar, I've had customers leave their finished jobs here for years, I'd hate to think about what you'd find in that other framer's "left behind" bin!

I've also been told to remove the artwork, store it and sell the frames to someone else as ready-mades. Don't think I'd want to buy a readymade coffin from that shop either!
I found a framer's sticker on the back of an old frame yesterday that read "Undertaker and Picture Framer."
Maybe not too much of a stretch. Family legend has it that my great uncle (whom I never met) had a furniture store in upstate New York. He was also the cabinet maker and mortician for the town. If you can make an occasional casket, why not a picture frame now and again?
Oddly enough, it is the second Undertaker/Picture Framer sticker I have seen over the years - I have the first one stashed away someplace - I should frame them someday, eh?

I always wanted to name my place The Silk Purse too, Dave - only I figgered too many people would come in wanting purses.

Bill - the recent sticker was either from Attica or Albion, NY - I get them mixed up because I lived in both towns - I'll look at again on Tuesday and let you know the name!
Bob is posting about other topics on this thread...does he think this is warped? Waite undertake and frame, is it warped?
Patrick Leeland

The great uncle of our family legend lived in Newark, New York.

Just for giggles I tried to look it up on the map (I haven’t visited my mothers home town in 40 years or so), but couldn’t find it. It was a pretty dinky town way back when and I suspect they may have changed the name of the town so it wouldn’t get confused with (or associated with) the city of the same name in the Garden State.

Who could blame them?

The only thing I really remember about Newark and the surrounding countryside was the abundance of Burma Shave signs. As a kid with little else to do in rural New York, I copied them down in a notebook.