Business Magazines

Magnolia Framing

True Grumbler
Mar 22, 2003
Gautier, MS
I was wondering which business magazines that other picture framers find applicable to their business. I currently subscribe to Decor, Picture Framing Magazine and the FrameEd section of Art Business News.

Are there any other journals out there that you find helpful for marketing, merchandising or other general business topics?
In addition to those - "The Crafts Report" which is getting better and better with articles for galleries and retail settings and not just for craft/artists.

Then there is (shamless plug) Art and Frame Review which many don't like, but hey, that's ok.

And probably one of the best, "For Member's Only" the (multi-page) newsletter for the PPFA. What makes this one so good is that it often comes with (free) marketing survey results and other marketing info, as well as access to the HitchHikers and the many marketing materials from PPFA.

Other (non-framing magazines) include INC, Fast Company, and Entreprenuer.

Oh, and I also like Art World News. In the past few months they've started having some neat "how-to" articles, such as one recently on French mats.
Just wanted to say I love Art and Frame Review - it's got a real homey feel about it and after I ran an ad for a month (without results), they called for a followup. I told them of the lack of response and they ran it for two more months for free! And they didn't even tell me they were going to do it! Is that cool, or what?


And Betty, I love your articles, too! :D
"Antiques" is a very nice magazine. It has good coverage of two dimensional art and picture frames. Great visual education for the presentation of period art. Not much on "how to" though.