Bulletin board vs. email

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The Grumble has been getting a lot of posts about the iMat CMC, and I know that situation is really only of interest to that small percentage of us that actually have those machines (or payed for them and never received them.) True, maybe these posts have alerted potential buyers to some problems and steered them away from this cutter, which would be a wonderfuul thing. But we're at the point now where we're trying to share technical information about an expensive machine that has no company to supply technical support, parts, supplies or upgrades. Emails have been flying around fast and furious among about 3 dozen users and several of us are climbing all over each other gathering names and info. My question is this: Does anyone have any ideas or experience with other ways of sharing this type of information with a rather specialized group of people? Yahoo and others have free bulletin board services that could be set up. The Grumble is great, but people are going to get tired of long posts (like this one) about a topic that concerns only a few.

Ron Eggers, CPF
The Total Picture
Appleton, WI
The Grumble is the place to alert others in the framing business about current or potential problems and of more interest how these issues are resolved.
I for one do not mind if sometimes get a bit long winded, in the long run if it is pertinent it can only be good for the trade and for those of us who work in more remote locations from the area that is driving the standards, business methods etc. it is very relevant that we hear about the limited issues as well as the big issues.

ON THE EDGE Picture Framing
I think that keeping all topics in one location is key for the good of all that use the grumble. If someone isn't interested in that topic, they can pass over it. Keep up the good work of keeping us all informed. Good Luck!

curlyframer, CPF
While I may not own an iMat, I apprecate the information. The only thing I can recomend is if you want to have a "Live" chat, then use the "Frame Guy" Chat room, or instant messenger. That way you can get everyone interested in the subject on line at the same time, and cover all the bases.

In the meantime, don't worry about the rest of us... if we did not want to read this, we would have passed it by.

Sue May :)
"I'd give my right arm to be ambidextrous!"
Even if a person is not considering Imat your posts have made us look beyond the item we are considering purchasing. I never considered looking at the stability of a company before buying a product, now I do. I admit I looked at the Imat and from their flashy brochures I never would have thought the company was in trouble.

Aw gee, you guys, I was hoping you'd say that. Okay, I'll consult the group and see what they say.
Consider that the CMC is not the only product IMAT made... also a vacume press around 3000 on the market & a saw over 4500 on the market plus add in the CMC's sold in the past 2 years, comes to quite a few ,over8000 machines . there are about 30-35000 frame shops in the u.s. .............
gearold;If I didn't know better i 'd swear you were affiliated with IMAT some way.I've never seen anyone who knew the number of units a company sold especially it's different products.Is there something we should know?
I believe gearold was a supplier for iMat and serves as a reminder that we end-users weren't the only ones hurt by this company. iMat's suppliers, property owners and many others were hurt and have about as much chance of compensation as iMat's customers.
NO I was not a vendor or affiliated with them in any way. God NO.......I am a manufacture in the framing industry & have been for over 25 years. As a matter of fact they owe my company a big chunk of money just like lots of framers.I have kept up on a few good boards like this one & if a framer has a question that in my area I try to help them out and don't try to sell them on any product. As far as knowing the number of units on Imat, I keep up with most of the happenings in the industry .When a company like that is running , you keep a eye on them. To be honest I take offense to being linked to a company like IMAT,when a mfg. does the things that they have done it hurts all good companys (like mine) framers will be very careful because of IMAT. It gives a black eye to all of us..All you have to do is ask framers in your area about my reputation. All I try to do is help without ulterior motives.. Gearold Ledsome Ledsome Machine Texas...............
Sorry, gearold, I misunderstood an earlier message from you. No offense intended. I only understood that iMat disappeared owing you money. I didn't mean to imply that your association with them went beyond that.
It may be possible that some will grow weary of this subject. Who could blame them. I hope they will bear with us until we reach as many framers as we can. I am certain there ares still more to reach. It is my desire that the effort of many of will give out a message, "don't mess with the framing folks" I believe some said in this large industry that some will be cheated [my translation] Well, that is possible but I think the message will be we do not lay down and play dead. This company filed bankruptcy one reason was blocking the sales of this cutter through communicating with other framers on forums such as this one. So get tired of the subject but please do not tire of the purpose behind the subject. Love to all. Gail


industry and more

Gail Bridges
Kimacy Frame Shop
Tallapoosa, Georgia

A out to the world in general:

Do any of the Computer Mat Cutters (or CMC's) have a web-site area where users of their machines talk shop?

Could (or would he want to) the main topic heading of " Computer Software Programs" be changed to Computer Mat Cutter and Framing Software Programs?"

This heading could be an area where iMat/Mat Maestro users really share nuts and bolts ideas on problems and solutions. Not to mention other CMC owners meeting up there to discuss thing they have figured out with their machine.

The trade mags, while steering clear (so far) of this RCI debacle would be able to mention this as a place to gather and share information?

Any thoughts?
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Marc Lzier:

Do any of the Computer Mat Cutters (or CMC's) have a web-site area where users of their machines talk shop?

Could (or would he want to) the main topic heading of " Computer Software Programs" be changed to Computer Mat Cutter and Framing Software Programs?"

This heading could be an area where iMat/Mat Maestro users really share nuts and bolts ideas on problems and solutions. Not to mention other CMC owners meeting up there to discuss thing they have figured out with their machine.

The trade mags, while steering clear (so far) of this RCI debacle would be able to mention this as a place to gather and share information?

Any thoughts?

RCI used to have a website, but that disappeared with the rest of the company. If other Mat Maestro users are like me, we check our email a few times each day, and then go to The Grumble to see what else is going on. I probably wouldn't take the time to visit another site on a regular basis.

I had wondered about pointing Mat Maestro posts to a different forum, but I am largely ignorant of the logistics of BBS administration, so I don't know if what's possible. I could see the Computer Software forum, which seems under-utilized, expanded to something like "technology in framing" which could encompass things like CMCs, high-end printers like the Da Vinci system, "virtual frameshop" programs like the one from Wizard (which I use) as well as other frameshop software. We'd have to hear from framer about whether this might work.

I have heard that the trade mags will be doing features about the iMat fiasco, but that may be a rumor. Right now, there's breaking news every day, so a monthly isn't going to do more than point people to another source of info.

I thinks it's safe to say that there will be increasing traffic on this topic as bonafide experts begin to step forward offering technical help. This is beginning right now.

Wizard has a "discussion" forum on our site. Generally this is where our customers come to post questions, exchange information, and in some cases even (hopefully only on rare occasions) complain. I would imagine some of our prospects come to read some of the posts as well to determine if Wizard is the type of company they want to work with. Our forum is open to anyone, in fact if our competitors are as smart as I believe they are, they probably come to see what's new too. I certainly check out their sites.

Fletcher-Terry has a forum on their site for their CMC customers and although I couldn't find it, I am confident Kaibab (Eclipse) has an area for their customers to get user information as well.

From my standpoint, I am truly sympathetic to those people who chose the IMAT system for their business, whether for financial or technological reasons. Cleary they made their decisions based on what they felt was best for their frame shop, and it is very unfortunate that the Company will not be around to fulfill it's commitments to those people.

My question is; how many of you "Grumblers", who from reading the numerous posts on The Grumble, decided against IMAT and instead chose the Fletcher, the Eclipse, or our Wizard, (or maybe just held on to their money)? And if because of The Grumble you did avoid the IMAT fiasco, have you thanked your fellow "grumblers" for helping you stay out of an ugly situation?
I vote for Marc's idea -- having the computer section also include computer mat cutters. Besides the unfortunate mess with IMAT it would be good overall to have chit chat about these newer and becoming more vital tools for the frame shop set in their own area not to get lost amongst the multitude of threads on the main forum.
Good thinking, Marc. We don't have a CMC yet, but, good Lord, what better way to 'network' and share ideas, problems, 'fixes' etc?? Some of the topics, like the computer topic don't get much traffic. Seems it would be a great place to exchange ideas.
Hail to Marc,

Since I just installed (half way) my Wizard CMC yesterday, I know I will be asking lots of questions to those who already have them.
I think a section with computers would be appropriate.

To Edd; I considered iMat, but because of posts on the OLE by Gail and others I was glad I didn't. I also saw the support site for Wizard and the rental program that makes it affordable to me.

Jerry Vandergriff, CPF cm
McCue and Blanford Frame Shop Supply
Crestwood, KY