Buffalo Area-Equipment for Sale


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Founding Member
Oct 13, 1999
Lawrenceville, Georgia
The two years of road construction left my numbers unattractive to a buyer for the business. Even though I am up 70% this year, people look at past history. So I guess I will be selling off my equipment piecemeal. My first choice is to sell it off as an entire lot. But I will listen to offers. Since I have received many requests on the chopper it is now on my website listed below.
To see the chopper visit www.DahlFineArt.com and scroll down and click on EQUIPMENT FOR SALE.

As a package there is everything for a full frameshop to open its doors. Tools everything!!! Get a cheap flight for you and a couple of friends. Rent a uhaul and you could be in business in a few days for one low price. Plus free telephone support for six months. Art information, equipment assistance and moral support included.

Questions toll free 888-845-4033 Or Locally(716 area code) 688-8727

The business is for sale through VR Business Brokers 716-839-3180 Ask for Joe Vogelberger.
I will be closing June 30 all equipment, inventory for sale. Landlord would like to rent the space.
I'm not in the market for a chopper, but do you have a list of the rest of your equipment?? I am looking for a few items.

Just wanted to move this back to the top after I have edited it to make it more readable.
Art Lady was gracious enough to get a digital camera, and take pix of many of these items. I can assure you, if we'd had the money and the room, we'd have taken a lot of it off her hands.

This 'sale' could be an opportunity for somebody!

And, no, I'm not getting a commission!! I just know a deal when I see one!
What's a 'twirler' and do I need one? Am I going to be sorry I asked?

ArtLady, I see you're selling a computer desk but not a computer. I hope that means you're still going to hang out with the Grumblers sometimes. I would miss you, though you have been a thorn in my side from day-one! ;)
How in the world would you ship some of that stuff like the tables, etc? I guess it would just be better if someone could come there. It's a long way from New York to East Tennessee.

Along the way between Buffalo and Atlanta I would consider delivering. Or I could take it to Atlanta off load it in storage and someone could arrange to pick it up. Whatever is your pleasure. Fly in, rent a Uhaul one way, come and get it and you could be in business in week.

A twirler is a thingy that is used to screw in screweyes. We bought I but never used it much. But it is a cool tool anyway.

I have framing moulding and matboard inventory available also. If the offer is right on the rest I will throw that in.

Come on where are all the wanna my owna shoppa folks.