buckling from hinges


Jan 10, 2005
Does anyone know a safe way to minimize the appearance of slight buckling from the application of hinges on paper? Any information is greatly appreciated.
If the paste is applied to the Japanese tissue
(Washi) in tiny dots, almost any paper can be
hinged without any deformation. Descriptions of
this process can be found at the web site:
pictureframingmagazine.com. Go to the articles
section and the preservation supplements and
open the most recent hinging supplement.

aka: Micro Dot. It works beautifully, and it's easy to do.

Thanks for bringing us the information on this technique, Hugh.
There is a FREE video on hinging with wheat starch paste on the FrameTek web site. It's all about timing.
Is there anything I can do to flatten out an area that is slightly buckled from the application of a hinge? I don't want to remove the hinge, but would like to minimize the slight buckling before finishing the frame job.
The hinges that have created impressions on the
other side of the paper, are best left alone.
A paper conservator could handle that problem,
but the hundreds of dollars that such work would
cost is likely to deter anyone from that course
of action.

Originally posted by preservator:
A paper conservator could handle that problem,
but the hundreds of dollars that such work would
cost is likely to deter anyone from that course
of action.

Holy Smokes Hugh, I'm moving to DC! Is that what a hinge removal/humidify and flatten costs there?

Schnoubi, I agree that it's most easily handled by a paper conservator, but I'd check out the local conservators and get some estimates.

In this neck of the woods such a job would not be prohibitively expensive, and if the framer were a good client it would likely be free. I'd probably throw in a hinging lesson to boot.

Originally posted by Rebecca:
[ and if the framer were a good client it would likely be free. I'd probably throw in a hinging lesson to boot.

Rebecca [/QB]
Is that all I have to do for free lessons? Show up at your door with a bad hinging job? Oh yah, it says good customer! What if I had met somebody who has sent work your way? OK, a little obtuse I admit.
