CGF II, Certified Grumble Framer Level 2
A client brought in an official Marvel Comics limited edition lithograph. In the lower margin of the print, there are signed pencil sketches of Spiderman and the Green Goblin. The mounting of choice in this case was T-hinging. It looked great when it left here and it went directly into an air-conditioned environment. The client called about a week later to inform me that the poster had gotten wavy. It indeed has and I can't really understand why. The waves begin at the top (where the hinges are) and travel downward. I feel quite confident that I didn't over moisten the hinge. I'm wondering if it's because I used 3 wide hinges along the top. I used 3 because of the large size of the poster. Can this be the problem? Or could it simply be the nature of the paper used? The stock is a light-mid-weight poster paper.
To fix it, I considered Artcare Restore with edgemounts for back-up but I can't get the whole thing in one bite in my small press.
A client brought in an official Marvel Comics limited edition lithograph. In the lower margin of the print, there are signed pencil sketches of Spiderman and the Green Goblin. The mounting of choice in this case was T-hinging. It looked great when it left here and it went directly into an air-conditioned environment. The client called about a week later to inform me that the poster had gotten wavy. It indeed has and I can't really understand why. The waves begin at the top (where the hinges are) and travel downward. I feel quite confident that I didn't over moisten the hinge. I'm wondering if it's because I used 3 wide hinges along the top. I used 3 because of the large size of the poster. Can this be the problem? Or could it simply be the nature of the paper used? The stock is a light-mid-weight poster paper.
To fix it, I considered Artcare Restore with edgemounts for back-up but I can't get the whole thing in one bite in my small press.