
Frankly the best option is to replace the poster with a new one!

Have you tested a corner to see if it is permanently adhered? Once in a blue moon I have known drymount tissue and spraymount to give way with a little coercion ... but not usually!

Assuming it won't lift, and you are not able to replace it, you can try making a pinhole from the back into the bubble (but not thru the art) ... then run it in the vacuum press for a while. Most of the time this doesn't work all that well, but it's something you can try.

Other than that, try masking the problem by using non-glare glass with spacers!
Try placing some adhesive through the pin hole via a syringe. Dont put it in the vacumm press as a small lump or hole will show. Continue to press the air out and place something heavy over the bubble so it stays adhered.
Actually, I confess that I have made the smallest of pin holes through the surface of a throw-a-way type poster with much success and taken a piece of release paper and gently working the air out.

Duh, I never thought about doing it from the back! I'll try that if the problem occurs again.

Dave Makielski
If it's been spray mounted, I use unseal and a lot of patience to remove the poster from the substrate, remove the residue and then remount with mounting tissue. If it's been heat mounted, a hairdryer will loosten the bond most of the time. Start in a corner and gradually work your way in, stop, and start at another corner. Repeat until all four corners are released, then tackle the middle. Try not to lift the poster too high, or you you could get tiny creases that are really ugly and will never smooth out.

May I ask. " Why are you getting bubbles in the posters?."

It sounds as if this is a common problem with you.
I realize that posters are of thin paper but a good vacuum press with a water base glue sprayed on the board for even coating should fix the problem.