Bragging Dad


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Jul 5, 2001
Savannah, GA
Ok, first let me say that my son Justin is 15 and will be 16 in 10 days.

He just competed in the Skills USA championships for Kentucky on Monday and Tuesday of this week.

His skill is computers, written test was Monday, practical was Tuesday. Wednesday he received the Gold medal and won the Championship for Kentucky. He will now go to Kansas in June for the National Championship. He was competing against Juniors and Seniors....I'm a proud Poppa!!!!!

I am looking for a monitor for him, he wants an NEC/Mitsubishi 19" Flat Screen top of the line model. Anybody have access to a slightly used one. I can't afford to buy him a new one, we just missed one on ebay. Of course the monitor he's using now doesn't look bad to me at all, but what da I know.
The Dell site Dermot posted has prices that are pretty comparable to what I found on my favorite price site: Price Watch

You can certainly find the best deals on eBay but as you saw it's easy to lose a bid.

Congrats to your son!!! Yeah, for computer geeks monitors are a quality investment. And he'll score some good geek points when he heads to college later with a nice big flat screen...

My son is 3 1/2 and I think it's already time for me to build him his own computer... :cool: