Brag Book


CGF II, Certified Grumble Framer Level 2
Founding Member
Nov 29, 1999
Does anyone have a regular setup to take photos of your work without the photographer and camera showing up promanently in the reflection on the glass?
When we take a picture of a piece that we want in our brag book, it's assembled without the glass and photographed. then it's assembled for real.
In the office in my old shop, I had copy lights mounted to the ceiling with polarizing screens and a 35mm camera on a tripod with transparency film and a polarizing filter. I had the Walker system on the wall to make it easy to adjust the height and position of the art to be photographed.

From some reason, I abandoned that system when I moved, possibly because I don't have an office and I have very little wall space.

(Besides, it's probably a copyright violation.)

If I were doing it now, I think I'd use my digital camera and run a continuous slide show on an extra computer or TV.
I too take the picture without the glass. For the best picture in my environment I lock my all glass back door, put down a piece of foamcore and take the picture there with all the natural light. Or I even take the picture outside. And then usually I forget to unlock my back door. :)
Like the others we try to shoot the photo without glazing. We also shoot it with a digital camera to make sure we've got a good shot.

You can also try top cancel out reflections by putting a piece of black foam (or fabric) behind you.
Even without glass sometimes the reflections are still there. I sit on a chair, hold a large black foam in front of me and shoot with the digital or place the work on the floor and hang from the ceiling.
I just usually stand off to the side a little. It's not quite as good as a dead-on front view. But it's just off a smidgen, and a whole lot quicker than fitting twice. (Plus the fact that I often forget to take a picture until I finish fitting....)

When you take a photo of something that has glas or other reflective "stuff in it (a mirror or glass in the background). You need to turn so the flash is not pointing directly in to the reflective surface. In short the phyical law says: the angle of incidence equals the angle of reflection. If you ar photographing a person holding their finished work, than have them hold the frame with a slight up turn. Place your light source at an angle of to one side or to both sides. I have lights set in my studio for this and the things are bolted to the wall so I don't have to think twice about this just go shoot the work. If your interested in finding out more email me and I will send you a diagram.
Sorta like what us old-timers used to call 'bracketing shots'??

The way I see it, and the way I did it, after writing for a paper weekly for 4 years, is copy all my columns you want. I could care less.

I realize this is bleeding into another tired thread, but, Good Lord! People have been framing, or copying stuff outta papers for a hundred years or more. Do we really need to get the US Supreme Court involved to frame a Mom's kids soccer article...Geez, Louise!