Blocking Needlework


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Apr 26, 2002
De Pere, WI
I just want to thank Kit, Ron Eggers and the others on another thread, same topic.

I took Kit's suggestion of making a blocking board from masonite. Drew spacing lines 1" apart and coated that side with two coats of polyurethane.

I used Ron's suggestion of a steam iron to loosen the fabric as I stapled it down.

They both worked great. The piece was very much out of square. Let it dry for a couple days. When I took the staples out it stayed nice and square.

Thanks again, Grumblers are great!

Hey Denny. We haven't seen you in such a long time. I hope that grappling with the needlepoint monster didn't take up your entire summer.

I used Ron's suggestion of a steam iron to loosen the fabric as I stapled it down.
No, Denny, I said TIRE IRON!

I'm glad it worked out anyway, but ya gotta pay attention.
Well Kit, it did take me a little while to build up enough nerve to tackle the beast. This is about the fifth needlepoint I've done for this customer. The first I mounted without blocking, lesson learned. The next two I had her mount them, but they were so crooked I ended up redoing them myself. The last one I mounted again without blocking. This one was so out of wack I figured it's time I learned to do blocking. As usually happens, after I did it I realized it's pretty easy. I will be blocking all needlepoint from now on.

I've actually been lurking. But have been pretty busy as well. We went on vaction the last week in June to Ruidoso, New Mexico. Visited Mountain Arts Gallery, the gallary where I got the inspiration to learn custom framing. Talked with the owner this time. She does not use a CMC. But you'd swear it by looking at the mats. She does alot of free hand mat cutting with a regular exacto knife.

I've also taken the first step towards getting away from desk at the phone company and formed "Dancin' Baer Enterprises LLC". Two divisions, Dancin' Baer Custom Framing and Dancin' Baer Promotions.

The summer has gone by pretty fast.

Finally, Ron, I did use a tire iron to get the staples out of the masonite board.