black moulding


True Grumbler
Jun 7, 2006
Perry, Ga.
I have a problem with finger prints and smudges on smoothe black frames, I have tried furniture polish and several other products and they are reaplied every time you look sideways at it Suggestions please.
Use triple 000 steel wool, use it lightly going the length of the leg or stick. This will lightly blend these imperfections. Be careful and do it slowly, do not do it over and over in one location. Try to test on left over before doing it on chop. Sometimes a flat finish can become slighly shiney. Take your time

Don't look at it sideways
Wash hands with a good degrease dish soap
Wash hands with a good degrease dish soap
Cotton gloves
Alcohol wipes
Wash hands with a good degrease dish soap
I'm not sure what you are eating for lunch but I remove most of the smudges and finger marks from matte black frames with a cloth dampened with LJ glass cleaner.

It's a very good habit to wash your hands every time you come back from lunch, scratch your head, pick your nose, or whatever and before you touch anything in the shop. I usually wash my hands about 5 or 6 times in a work day. Once you form the habit it isn't that time consuming and it will guarantee that someone else is putting all those finger marks on your frames.

You would be surprised at how much grease french fries will leave on your hands. And it transfers to the paper cup that your drink is in (yeah, the same one that you got a refill in and brought back to the frameshop) and hangs around all afternoon just reapplying itself to your hands every time you take a drink. I would shudder to think what that stuff will do to a Moorman suede or the cover paper on a rag mat in a few years. I can just imagine all those greasy finger marks showing up with age and getting darker and darker and ...............

I find that a little lighter fluid makes a nice mild solvent for a lot of crud that gets on mouldings, esp. things like smooth blacks. Be careful on "waxy" finishes.
:kaffeetrinker_2: Rick