BIG Prints!

Ron Eggers

SPFG, Supreme Picture Framing God
Forum Donor
Jul 6, 2001
I have a customer who wants to get some mural-sized prints from some photographs. He's thinking of something on the order of 7 ft square.

Thankfully, he doesn't want me to frame them.

Anyone have ideas about what sort of company would do something like this? I'm not looking for a wholesale source. I'll pass the information along to him and, hopefully, have nothing more to do with the project.
All I can think of is to have them scanned at an ultra high resolution and giclee them on canvas. We have someone in Calgary and NYC that can print up to 8 ft.
Send them to Warren. He has a wide format printer and I'll bet that it could be downloaded and printed without much of a problem
One company, out of Manchester, NH, that I've dealt with is Image 4 Concepts. They do those large displays one sees in an airport. If they can do those transparencies, they can also do prints, I would think.

I think their limit is 6 feet, though.

But from experience, they do great work, they ain't cheap!
I'd be more than happy to do the work for him. We have large format printers on site that should be able to handle the project.

Allen Stover
Image Arts Etc.
Columbus, Ohio
Try Great Big Pictures in Madison. 608-257-7071 1444 E. Washington Ave.

I'm pretty sure they can do something that size.

Amy McCray
Hickory Hollow Framery, Inc.
If you are looking for the best quality and willing to pay, David Adamson Gallery in Washington, Dc. He prints for the big folks, Chuck Close, Annie Liebowitz, Cindy Sherman and those people. He is nothing close to cheap. He has all of the best equipment and is known as one of the folks that pioneered the digital art world along with artist William Newman. If you wish to have any information such as phone number and address just let me know.I am sure there are folks out your way that due as good of a job too. Heck maybe even cheaper.