PFG, Picture Framing God
I hate to be a post-hog, but something is reeaallly bothering me. Recently a friend and I were e-mailing each other through our "private" e-mail adresses. I mentioned briefly about being an oboe player. When she replied, she got a pop-up link to an oboe-reed supplier company, about "Problems With Your Oboe Reeds? Click here". I have never, ever gone to an oboe site, nor has she, to leave behind cookies, etc. And I delete cookies and delete offline content nearly every day. How did that happen? Does someone spy on our personal e-mails? This is really creeping me out. I have shared some pretty personal stuff with my friends through our e-mails, and now wonder to what extent is the spying going on? I know this site is monitored by other than just us framers, but my personal e-mail? Yikes!!