Hiya Bob. Maybe the big boxes in your area have better people in them, too. I know a local artist that worked at Michaels for a while. He gave a lot of insight on what goes on there. You're framing after a few hours on the job and working the counter after a day, in a few months you're gone. (I still can't believe I'm losing customers to them.) Anyway, maybe yours has some of the stability and care that he provided them for a while.
John, thanks for your insights. I've been reading the Grumble for quite a while and have always respected your opinions. The last few years framing is most definitely not how I'm earning my living. I've lost more money in the past 2 years than I've ever thought possible. If not for retained earnings and investments I'd be working at Michaels right now.
My posts on the Grumble have reflected my deteriorating faith in the human race, unfortunately. Two years ago my landlord rented an enormous vacant space next to mine. He told me it was going to be a very high end furniture gallery with artwork but no framing, painting starting at $10,000. Well, it was a gypsy persian rug salesman. Why did this impact me? The name of his business had the word "Galleries" in it. He had the whole end of the building, 3 units wide. On the corner of the building was his name, then as you get closer to mine it said "European Furniture" then "Fine Rugs" then my sign, which is unfortunately generic. All the signs on the building are standardized. It therefore looked to all the world that I was part of his establishment, just another product line to the big gallery. He remained normal for the number of weeks required by Ohio law then immediately starting his "Going out of business" routine. Gallery going out of business signs all over the windows, 50 foot banners on the roof, little signs like the political ones for up to 10 miles down the main roads, A frame signs on the street, ads in all publications. I couldn't buy a new customer for over a year. Who wants to get their pictures framed by someone going out of business? There were tons of people shopping there, but none that would ever buy from me. They would come in looking for the 80% discount promised in his signs. The thing that really stung was the landlord. Someone I've rented from since 1990 and my father before me since 1978 to the tune of well over $1 million, $750,000 for this one spot alone. And for all that he wouldn't even acknowledge that this was in any way hurting me. The city - they wouldn't even let me put the word "Gallery" above my door in the past. The way the building is laid out it would officially be on a separate facing than my sign and against zoning. Somehow, this gypsy had no problem with his signing. He was also making at least $250,000 on a Saturday when he was running auctions, turning my busiest day of the week into zero days. My established customers would even stay away until they could come in on Mondays when he was closed. After he finally quit he parked a semi truck in front of my gallery windows for over a week. The police have come in and asked me to remove my car from the same fire lane as I was actively loading it. Through all this the landlord, far from being apologetic, threatened to evict and sue if I was late with the rent. I threatened to move, but the threat of another lawsuit was too much and the new neighbor went out of business like 5 times, each time with a new date. I had to deal with television investigative reporters because the gypsy was misrepresenting everything he sold. One guy spent $60,000 only to find out the stuff was worthless at appraisal. I got tricked just like the public, hoping that he would be gone soon. It's been the harshest, cruelist life lesson I've ever had and I've had quite a few.
So, really, I'm not in a very good frame of mind. Now that I haven't been hobbled for a while I've been regaining business over time. The gentleman that left was very opinionated, and persian, and forced his political views on his customers if you can believe that, which were very colorful and didn't go over well post Iraq war in this republican stronghold. "That gallery in my shopping center" - that's who got the bad word of mouth from it all, and that's me. I flew a huge American flag in my windows for a year. 3 monts before he finally left is when Michaels opened nearby.
So, basically, I'm still pissed off. I'm still rebuilding my sales. I'm still rebuilding my reputation with people who haven't dealt with me yet. I'm not willing to peacefully co-exist with the big boxes, like I don't want their type of customer. Right now I'm not willing to peacefully coexist with anybody. I'm so far past "going to the mattresses" it isn't even funny. I wasn't taken out by the events of the past 2 years, I'm not about to let freakin' Michaels continue to get one over on me. Dealing with someone that has been wronged by them is touchy. I want that customer in the future, just like I want every customer that walks through their doors. I should be able to do that. They sell by price but they are not that cheap. Their whole premise relies on consumers being flat out stupid. If I can get my message to them before they walk in to Michaels, I can have them. If they walk into my store already unhappy then it's a gift. I'm very concerned with treating them in the way that will garner me the most favor with them and the people they eventually talk to... "Michael's did a horrible job but johnny fixed it" doesn't have the same ring as "Michael's did a horrible job then I had to pay johnny another $100 to fix it." And I want to get this one right. At least over here they are screwing up enough orders to make it worthwhile. I was hoping that in a world where long time relationships mean nothing, loyalty is a dying idiolistic memory, and it looks like rug salesman and framers alike are feeding off of the gullible consumer.. maybe the consumer isn't as gullible as they are disillusioned. Consumers are lied to daily with just about every ad they see. They have no reason to believe you. Maybe I can get some of them back by just being human. What a refreshing change for them that would be.