Beware of Graemlins

Ron Eggers

SPFG, Supreme Picture Framing God
Forum Donor
Jul 6, 2001
I am aware of a least three cases where someone inserted a graemlin at the end of a post, only to have the entire post disappear when they submit it. I think it just happened to Calley on the main Grumble forum.

This doesn't happen all the time, but my advice would be: If you have to use a graemlin, especially at the end of a post, push ctrl-a to hightlight the entire message, then ctrl-c to copy it to your clipboard. Then, if the post gets lost in space, you can use ctrl-V to paste it back into a new message window.

This is also useful if you have a quirky internet service that likes to cut out just as you submit your post.

A little test: :rolleyes:
Ron, I clicked on the Smiley gremlin the other day and something came up and said something like you are entering dangerous area, so I unclicked and went on.....scared me. :D but I got over it!
Being on the grumble, you've already entered a dangerous area! I assume (hope) your still o.k.?

-The Other Mike.
It is my contention that this is all an alien plot. Have you noticed that every alien that is somehow pictured in movies or in magazines is green?

Why don't you ever see any pink or fuschia aliens? Or aliens with clothes on, or wearing a hat? (I KNOW that Betty isn't an alien!)

These little graemlin heads you are all taking for granted are actually little alien eggs! Each one of your computers, I will guarantee, is filled with little alien eggs, just laying there, waiting for the right signal. Kathy, you accidentally entered one of their private spaces and that was a verbal warning to back off!! You were lucky!

And don't let the smiling ones fool you! They can be just as dangerous as the red ones. They just want to make you believe that they are friendly.

Go see the movie, "Signs", with Mel Gibson. That is another area where the aliens have already taken control.

Take some advice, don't go near a corn field after dark!

Omar, the alien tracker
Originally posted by Framerguy:

Why don't you ever see any pink or fuschia aliens? Or aliens with clothes on, or wearing a hat? (I KNOW that Betty isn't an alien!)
Omar, the alien tracker
I've been in contact with the pink graemlins, they always seem to visit me after ingesting one glass too many of the fruit of the vine. I will perform a test to see how much it may take for the fuschias to greet me. I will note my findings and report back to you.
