Beveled Accents pricing not in POS


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Jun 13, 2002
Fingerlakes Region of NYS

I entered a Beveled Accent into my workorder and it is not coming up in the data base.

I would think it would be.

Can anyone advise!?


What POS software are you using?
It was switched from moulding database to mats in Lifesaver awhile ago...I can't remember where it is now since I haven't sold it in awhile.

Look in both places.
Roz, In frameready you have to type in BA. Like for the coal suede it is BA4165440C. Does that help? If you have the option do a search with a description, I'm sure they are there. Just hiding a bit.
I use Lifesaver.. I found it in the list but it doesn't have a price associated with it... It says it is a level 16 mat!?

Deb - I will try the fillet avenue...
Kathy - I will try the entire number...

I'll be back...

Meantime, thanks...
Hi Roz,

Level 16 needs to be set up with your prices.

My understanding is that your level 16 table is set to zeros because the feature was added after you installed/bought your Lifesaver. The first time you go to use a level 16, it'll pop up a box warning you that it's set to zero and ask for a manual price.

To fix the table so you don't get this message:

Main menu -> PRICE -> MATS -> right arrow until you see the level 16 price matrix and have fun


PS: This advice applies only if you have the "Use Mat Markup table" feature un-checked in the configuration screen. (and I believe you do) With mats you have the option of pricing them with the multi-level matrix, or with a markup system that allows up to 12 formulas - depending on cost. (similar to how moulding is priced)
Talking about Bevel Accents, has anyone used the mat decoration tape from ASAP Conservation Tapes. It's a great way to use up scrap fomecore and gives the same look as Bevel Accents. One difference, way LESS expensive.

Daniel Cochrane

I just ordered another case of their PH7-70 ATG (with the carrier) and they are sending me a sample of all their decorative tapes. I haven't used them yet but I am anxious to see what they carry.

Their carrier ATG tape is the best for taping mats together (double mat mounting) and their fillet tape is as good or better as any on the market.


We have been distributing all their products in Western Canada and the response has been tremendous. We keep selling out of fillet tape!

Ok! I got to the pricing - Just wondering - what pricing do you use for it? What formula do you use to determine the pricing..


Sorry I didnt see this question sooner.

We no longer carry the bevelled accents. Ours are set to zero.

Someone else will hopefully jump in.
