Beginner Matting tool, Altos or Logan

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Sorry for such a beginner question, but I haven't seen any comparison info on these two mat cutting tools for home crafts people. Only differentiating characteristic I can see are ---
Altos 4501 or 4505: +has pin registered width adjustment; +ergonomic handle on cutting blade, -blade is held against guide by pressure, -uses special cutters
Logan 301 or 401: +has slot and rail guide for cutter carriage, +uses standard single edge razor blades, +right angle guide for holding material square, -width of frame adjustment depends on two slots in particle board, indicator is read off analogue scale (limits repeatablity).

Maybe I'm asking too much from a low cost solution, but would appreciate any opinions.

Thanks, Mike
Dont waste your money on beginner equipment, It does not work the same as the larger and better built matt cutters out there. Spend your money on a good Fletcher 2100, or C&H Matt Cutter after you become proficient on these machines you will not have to purchase another matt cutter for years...

JOHNG F&L Frames Rutherford N.J.
This is my first reply to anything on this board, so you can take my response for what it is worth. I think JohnG has forgotten one thing. Some of us are just starting out homebased and are shoe-stringing. (My case I left my "real" job last thursday)I am having to make three steps to get up to the full sized equiptment. I started with a 301 and then got a Fletcher mat mate. I still go back to the Logan at times because some stuff is easier on it. If you are not intending to go over an 18 x 24 the logan is fine. It can do most anything with a steady hand, a good eye, and some creative profanity.
By the way the user name came from the two words with which I'll start most posts.
W-H: You're right, you gotta start somewhere. JohnG is right, however. Depending on how many mats you cut, the investment is worth it for good equipment, even if used. Can you get the "pro" stuff used is your area? I did use a Logan initially, subsequently won a MatMate and despised it. It wasn't two months before I decided to go for broke and bought the C&H. Hope you can, too, soon. Also hope the Board helps you: it's a good forum. Good luck.
M-M: I believe in the pro stuff! I made an assumption that all he wanted was to do matting for his own photography. We all have different needs. My needs are few, it's the wants that are killing me.
What-How I did not forget the shoestring budget, I just find that if you spend a couple hundred bucks on something that your only going to use for a few months before you get annoyed with it, Just save the extra money wait another month do what you have to but buy the better equipment, in the end you will not regret it. Should you do it your way you get stuck with a matcutter that you stuff in a corner after you spent all that money on it. Their are a couple of used equipment brokers on the buy sell fouum you never know what you can get used and in good condition. My girlfriend is starting a hair salon, she found tons of used equipment buy sitting down with the yellow pages and doing some finger walking on the keypad for one day. I do agree that if all you are doing is rather small the Logan is a decent matt cutter.