BBS for Framing Customers?


WOW Framer
Jul 24, 2001
Buffalo, New York, USA/Fort Erie, Ontario, Canada
Hi folks, I have ben given a great opportunity to moderate yet another forum on my partner Kim's new website ( and it is being called "Framers Corner." (The other forum is about CATS!!! ;)

As far as I'm concerned, I don't think framers need any more forums, what with the INIMITABLE Grumble plus HH, but since this site is in it's infancy, I think it should be geared for customers, whether they be newbies or frequent framers, to ask questions of real, passionate, dedicated framers.

What do y'all think of this??? You all know how timid first time customers are. "Will you help me pick out the frame?" They don't have any idea what we do! They are scared, both of the cost and the possibility of humiliation if they so or say or ask for "the wrong thing."

So, how should I start? FAQ about Custom Framing? Mention that we (rarely) bite? What are some questions that you get asked all the time?

I also plan to mention that if you want a custom framer to give you a "ballpark" then you MUST bring the picture into the frame shop, because so few of us are psychic these days.

I also plan to incorporate that quote about fine custom framing lasting longer than your techie toys and your sofa and your car, etc.

And, for those of you who had a hard time reading the website, the colors keep changing. Mike has been tweaking the thing incessantly all weekend and he is driving Kim crazy.

There is also a fledgling forum for retouchers, and at least a couple of familiar names have shown up and seem about as happy as I was when I found the Grumble - at last, someone to talk to!!!

Thank you for your support.
That's Great! Yeah, tell them the FAQs, but also tell them the FACTS as well. Tell them the comparison about "choosing your framer as you would your doctor". You gotta have someone that you're comfortable with and that you trust.

They need to know that most framers don't have that "elitist" attitude, but there are some that do. Don't get turned off by the first one and then never go back.

I've got a couple more quotes about framers and framing that I'll give you when I get to the shop.

Good luck!


PS. I'll leave the "cats" one alone!

[ 04-29-2003, 07:29 AM: Message edited by: B. Newman ]
Thanks Betty - you have the best resource material!! You are a treasure, Bless Your Heart!! (every time I say that now I think of YOU!)

Come on, anyone else. Doesn't ANYONE have ANYTHING that you have always wanted to say to POTENTIAL framing customers?????
I was in and out all day yesterday, so I forgot. But here is the other one I promised.

"Custom picture framers are among the last of an incredible breed of skilled craftsmen. We still build products by hand to the client's specifications."

And then there's:
"Marketing is anything done to sell a product or service and maintain relationships with the people who make the business possible."

Good luck. I hope it goes well and is visited often!
