Art On Canvas
CGF II, Certified Grumble Framer Level 2
Model V8QRA Opening size 6 1/2" wide frames $369.00.
Model V5QRA opening size 3 1/2" wide frames $269.00
Both have an Angle Adjustment fence on the right side of the clamp, and a Quick Release feature on the clamping mechanism. They are well made and beautiful.
I purchased them after an Atlanta show a year or two ago, and I have never needed to use them. Does anybody need them? Both go for $600 plus UPS freight. Please call Don (314) 436-1118 or email if you want them. Thank you.
Model V5QRA opening size 3 1/2" wide frames $269.00
Both have an Angle Adjustment fence on the right side of the clamp, and a Quick Release feature on the clamping mechanism. They are well made and beautiful.
I purchased them after an Atlanta show a year or two ago, and I have never needed to use them. Does anybody need them? Both go for $600 plus UPS freight. Please call Don (314) 436-1118 or email if you want them. Thank you.