Bark moulding


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Jun 12, 2003
North Carolina - Picture Framing Capital of the Wo
No, not dogs.

We're looking for a moulding that looks and feels like bark - not burl, but textured like bark. We did a search of the archives but got nothing.

Any help out there???
Nelson Moulding in Michigan has a very convincing-looking birch bark moulding in three widths. It just came out a few months ago.

If you need me to post a photo, I could probably be persuaded.
Birch bark Neson's moulding 1-800-289-2467
This is really hot looking stuff. Comes in three wideths #L-3077, L-3078, L-3079 called the Mackinaw Collection
K&T, no such luck on the Nelson moulding.
I called because I have a customer who wants Aspen bark..... I can't even find that to veneer!

Nice lady at Nelson's addmitted that it just "Looks" like but doesn't really feel.

I've made small frames out of bark-on moulding that I have made..... and years ago I glued bark together to make a frame that looked like a log. pinus sequia gigantius, but you can do the same with almost any pine bark and some time in front of a movie or two. Just undertone the frame with very dark ocred walnut our raw umber.

I donno, Baer. I just went up and ran my hand over the Nelson samples (I love doing that) and they have a real texture, though not quite like the birch tree in our front yard that we just cut down a year ago. You can't peel big pieces off of it or make a canoe out of it. It probably doesn't change color in the fall or drop it's leaves, either.

But it's pretty good.
I needed a bark frame that would travel well once so used a mixture of modelling paste, gloss gel medium and paint to get a nice thick gunky surface applied with a pallette knife in "waves" (for lack of a better description) and then embellished while nearing dry with a fork, orange peeling knife (which I still have and don't use for orange peeling) and a really coarse brush. To finish I made a really watered down mixture of rottenstone or somthing similar and a matt varnish.
Nelson Moulding



The first photo is what it looks like if your nose is about 3" from the 4" moulding and you wear trifocals.

(When I said I'd post photos, Tony, I didn't really think you'd expect me to. :D )
i think they look good $.02