Bainbridge Artcare Restore?

Jerry Ervin

PFG, Picture Framing God
Jul 13, 2001
North Carolina ... The Picture Frame Capital of th
Just a quick search shows that there has not been much discussion on the product. Is anyone using it on a regular basis? Do you like it? I understand that it is the Artcare foamboard, which I like very much.

Does it come with instruction decals for future framers or has anyone developed their own? I would really think that there needs to be some explanation as to why a L/E print is mounted. The future person that discovers this may not understand the product.

I am looking for feedback of any kind, good or bad.
I've used it maybe 5 or 6 times, with fair results so far. I find it usually takes a little longer to "cook" than it says on the spec sheet, but that may be because I use thick release boards. When I got my first case of it, I practiced on my own stuff to see how it worked...I was able to get all of it back up, with no residue. I don't like to drymount, but sometimes you gotta. We'll see how well it holds up in the trunk of somebody's pink cadillac in the heat of the North Texas summer!!!!


P.S. I usually leave a note for the next framer on the inside of the package, under the dust cover.
I have used it a lot since it came out. They now offer stickers with removal instructions for the next framer. It is GREAT stuff!!!

I am not sure I would mount an LE (unless it was a K******) (LOL) or 678/120000! I did use it on a very expensive 30 x 40 photograph that the customer wanted framed with no mat (that's the way "everyone" is doing it now!) after it buckled from hinging (using a 1/2" FC spacer).

Anyhow - I LOVE Restore! It is now my default drymount! Now I want it to come on a BLACK artcare foam board so you csn mount newspapers!!!
We use it on many items that used to get mylar pockets in the past. We're on our 3rd or 4th case. Yes, we have used it on LEs, with discretion and some originals. I don't like the Bainbridge stickers, so I insert a copy of the more detailed removal instructions inside the dustcover so that when/if a framer gets it in the future they don't go "shucks, oh-dear, that original framer ruined your artwork by drymounting it!"

Orange peel effect seems to be significantly less noticable that with Speedmount.

At first we were using release board but have started using release paper instead. Cooling under weight is critical and we found that the suction created by the release board was causing problems for us. With low temp mounting, it only takes a few seconds to cool.

We haven't made it our default mounting board and use regular speedmount on most other occasions.

My opinion....Many problems are being caused by the mounter increasing the temperature rather than decreasing it. I only use Restore within manufacturer's spec for customer's work but have used it for my own work at temperatures as low as 130 degrees and increased dwell time. It comes in handy with those glossy, home printed photos that are destroyed with higher temps.

It does pay to know your own press. I have seen several presses that are spec'd to be +/- 10 degrees and were actually measured to swing +50/-0 degrees from the temperature indicated. For that reason, I use a temp indicator strip mounted to F/C to check our press on a fairly frequent basis and have modified the sensor so that it is now +/- 5 deg.
I've been using it pretty much as my default mount when the item is to be framed. (Colormount when it's foam only for presentations and such.)

Two things ... be careful when opening the press, because it adheres as it cools and it's easy to lift the print while it's still hot. And, don't use a release board. If I used a board I needed more dwell time. Without a board, their instructions work perfect. Plus, the board seems to increase "lift suction," so I've had much mroe luck without.

Edit: JUST noticed Rick's comments. Guess I should read thoroughly before posting. --- What Rick said.

I have added my own identifying sheet in the package when I use it.

Leslie, where'd you get the stickers? I haven't seen any. I think I asked at the NY show and they said "not yet."
I am glad to hear that some are really happy with the product. I think I will try a box for next week. Between SpeedMount and the Artcare Restore that should cover 90% or so of all my needs.

I am assuming that there is a printed page in the box just like SpeedMount that I can extract the verbiage for a note/sticker to be placed inside the package.

Thanks Y'all!
Call Bainbridge and they will send you the stickers which have detailed instructions for removal. Although, before I got the stickers I just wrote "Restore" on the inside of the frame package, assuming that framers of the future would be familiar with it.
Just a note to all current and future Artcare Restore customers, ask your Bainbridge rep for the new instruction packets, they come with extensive instructions, a lift tool and, very important, a test strip to measure the "real" temperature of your heat press.

I'm waiting for my rep to call me...does anyone have the sticker or spec sheet they can post or fax me?
I want to be sure and include it on a litho I mounted.