Baer's coming to Denver!


PFG, Picture Framing God
Nov 2, 2001
Centennial, CO, USA
University Center at Chaparral
15653 Brookstone DR
Parker, CO 80134 - 3553

Hand wrapped fabric mats and liners can be powerful enhancements to the framing you offer customers – and a great way to add to your bottom line! This hands-on class will show you how to wrap single mats, multiple mats, seamless liners and mitered liners. Each student will complete or participate in completing, an 11x14 deep-bevel single mat, an embossed mat, and an upholstered mitered corner liner leg. Baer Charlton will cover preservation considerations, testing for acid, archival techniques and most importantly when and how to sell fabric. He will cover the fundamental dynamics of retail pricing to sell, sourcing materials and increasing your profits. Baer’s DVD will be for sale – AND special pricing on starter kits will be offered.

Baer Charlton, CPF brings over 30 years of fabric wrapping to his classes. He is an international recognized, award winning framer that has taught or presented in North America, Europe, Australia and New Zealand. He has been framing [with short side occupations] since 1966. His DVD "Fabric Wrapping 101" has recieved strong rave reviews at both the WCAF in Las Vegas, but also at the PPFA/PMA conference in Orlando, FL.

Thanks to Frank’s Fabrics for sponsoring this class.

I sure wish I could attend but since i cannot where do I get the Fabric Wrapping 101 DVD?
Me too!!


E-mail me with the details and I will call and order one. I need it. I would love to come to the class.

We you be on the east coast anytime soon?

Like maybe Knoxville TN area. That I could and would go to.

Jennifer, look to Nashville in November...

As for the DVD, I have it and it is very good. Order it from Franks Fabrics.
HOw about up here in the north east? I'd love to learn fabric wrapping, and I definitly learn better in a class than from a video.
Thanks Betty, keep putting it out there, they will come. Gumbo is up for it.

David, as Betty says either from Frank's, or PFM bookstore, or if you're a PPFA member, you can get it from their bookstore at PPFA price. Their new catalog will be out with the April issue of FMO.

PhotoKris, check with your local PPFA chapter. I think Boston would be a lot of fun in June. I have a little piece of the USS Constitution, and would like to see the rest of her.

The fall could be nice too.... leaf peeping. Would have to bring my bride. :D
Baer You know what is really nice...Saratoga Springs during racing season. Teach a morning class, catch the 1:00 post time and check out all the interesting sites and exciting thorobred racing. Siro's for a cocktail and then finish off with a lovely dinner at Sargos at the Saratoga National Golf Club. ...Or hang with the jockeys & horsemen and have a plethera of beer choices at our Irish pub The Parting Glass.
Baer, I am going to expect a percentage of all these sales you are getting here.

Also, I would like to take full credit for launching your "World Tour".

Thanks in advance!
I would try to make it to the class, as well as purchase the DVD. There is NOTHING like a LIVE SESSION with Baer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Don't miss this opportunity!

Kathy, Baer was here first! We launched his world tour this summer at the 2005 Fabric Fantasia Brunch.

You could claim credit for expanding his North American 2006 circuit tour, however. And he should cut you a percentage - he told me that you have a full house! Way to go!
Actually the "World Tour" teaching kick-off would have to go to The Tower of London 1983. Then Australia and NZ in 1984 and so on and so forth....

But you gals can fight of my current body

of work. :D

Steph, you silver tongued devil you. I HAVE heard some mighty fine things about Saratoga. A good friend is an Equine Dentist specializing in thorobreds, and she spoke most highly about the Springs.

Now if your Chapter just happens to request my presence during those festivities.... well I just can't imagine being cooped up in a stuffy classroom in the afternoon when there are specemins of horse flesh to watch and minty julips to be consumed. You all DO wear them fancy hats I so dearly love on race day, do you not?

<font size=1>That would be the baseball cap that says "Another Round for the Ponys, Another Round for Me"</font>

Isn't the season the first part of Oct?
Don't think I could compete with Steph's offer, but have you ever thought of coming to beautiful Nova Scotia, Baer? If you like seafood, a relaxed atmosphere, and gorgeous scenery, then this is the place for you...

I even sent in my application to join the PPFA last week so I could purchase your DVD from the PPFA bookstore. Should have joined years ago, I'm sure, but the thought of learning how to do fabric wrapped mattes finalized my decision
How cool!! I think Baer would have a great audience if he came to the Northeast and Steph, I think we should organize this!!! It would be fun... but with racing season also comes extremely high room rates - so just out of season would be better. What do ya think!?! June, July, Sept, Oct? Baer - how much warning do we need!
Pauls right Sept and Oct are great here lower rates too. If you need racing the flat track only runs third week of JUly-Labor Day weekend. but we have those ponies with carts too and a Racino at Saratoga Gaming & Raceway.

Yes Baer they do love the big fancy hats at the track, not my usual style, but the diamonds are a drippin' here in the summer.

Worst case scenario...I can house a couple of people...we have the OTB channel, a fully stocked bar, and a chef on staff who does his best work with a Canadian Club in his hand.

For more enticement:
Wow, this might be a record, usually the "So and so is coming to such and such" threads sink like a stone in a matter of minutes. Continue to talk amongst yourselves, gives my cause more air time.
Originally posted by Terry Scidmore CPF:
Kathy, Baer was here first! We launched his world tour this summer at the 2005 Fabric Fantasia Brunch.
Except Terry, that is his home turf so to speak.....I'm thinking more like we brought him out of his shell and away from the Northwest........He will become the wandering framer going from village to village showing us how to fabric wrap a mat. In a kind of Jack Kerouac way.......
Jack WHAT!? :eek: Kathy, watch your mouth, there might be children lurking.

Twin2, Nova? Heck yeah! Bay of Fundie is on my list of 1000 things to see before I die.

Are there enough framers to put together a class?
How about Baer on the Beach???When I saw you in Vegas you were too busy to talk...what about a few classes near the beach and some drinks at night? East coast is a nice place to be spring or fall?

PL, last I heard there was no beach or east coast anywhere "infront of this here death box".

As I was explaining to Phillip LaMarsh, I would like to teach about 12-15 classes a year outside of conventions.

So . . . which beach? And does this mean you're up to putting together a group for a class?

As for "too busy to talk" in Vegas... I don't think so. That was just about all I did in Vegas.

Well, except at the Chinese dinner. I really enjoy sitting quietly and listening to 12 other framers around a table. Once a year is just not enough.

BTW: If anyone is near Schrumburg, IL area, we'll be there the last week in Sept.... if you want a class.
Baer, How many framers do you need to make it worthwhile for you to hold a class? I could make some inquiries around the area to see who may be interested...
Yeah Terry, I liken it to opening Pandora's Box.....but the plan is to leave a trail of cheese to get him back in.
twin2, the question in your case is: what are the direct costs involved?

So I can check with my travel agent, you check with accomidations (2 nights) and then we crunch the numbers to see how far you want to defrey costs.

On frameshop felt it was worth their money to bring me in for an intense two days of nothing but fabric. I worked their counter explaining and selling fabric to thier customers. We covered anything that was standing still, and ended up with their wall covered with fabric mats, liners, shadow boxes, leather wrapped frames, lace on satin bridal mats, and everything else we could think of. Great fun and everyone on board wrapping little foaming at the mouth framers.

At the Orlando trade show I watched framers anxst over spending $200 for a fillet master, and I watched photographer (you know, that group of business people that we framers misalign as being "Cheap-cheap bums), and they were dropping $70K-$180K for "UP-GRADES".

So, it is all on where you value your education, and how far you want to defer your costs.

If you want to take this further, we can brain storm on this off-grumble. paste my email address in your mail server so I can keep up with this remotely.
Baer, I sent you an e-mail earlier this morning - thanks for taking interest in coming to N.S.