Bad News

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Bad News

I have just found out that Scenes……which is owned by John who set up the “Grumble” on this side of the pond has ceased trading…I'm a bit shocked right now…

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2004 1:40 pm Post subject: Scenes Closed For Business 18th April, 2004

Due to the fire which has destroyed the entire North Street Arcade shopping centre, Scenes has ceased trading.

We regret that EstLite's telephone support may be a little below standard for a time. However if anyone wishes to contact us please do not hesitate to E-mail.

I would like to thank all who have sent messages of support.

If Scenes set up The Grumble in your patch, it must have been a good company, although one I have not heard of. Was Scenes a retail gallery, a frame shop, or a supplier?

The devastation of fire goes far beyond the building and its contents. I know -- I've been there. John and his Scenes will never be the same; losing one's livelihood so suddenly is like losing a loved one.

Hopefully, with the aid and encouragement of his friends, John can rebuild his business in a new location, and have a bright future with it.

This is confusing to me. I just clicked on the URL that you supplied and it had one locked message saying what you stated about the Framer's Forum. Then I went to my "Favorites" file and clicked on the link there for the forum and it opened up right away and had some posts from today!

I wonder if it isn't hosted outside the confines of the building that suffered the fire??

FYI, here is the link that I used to get into the forum.

Sad to hear about anyone losing their livlihood to fire. That is one tragedy in business that is allconsuming and very hard to recover from, with or without insurance.


I think John posted the announcement on a Forum which he uses for announcements about the EstLite framing program…I would expect that this Forum is for one way traffic only……

Jim Johns software site Johns framing business

I have had an email from John ….foul play is suspected…..the police will know more later this week…he appears to be coping OK…..the trade suppliers have rallying around with offers of support (one supplier has refused to send any bills/Invoices to Johns home address)….Loan equipment, deferred payment…etc. etc. …..use of other framers workshops…etc. etc……..the big challenge for John is find new premises which will make sense for the business…..Belfast like most other parts of Ireland is in the middle of a property boom.
Just bringing you up to date……

Johns has his shop up and running again….....lots to do still but he is open....

I hope he is run off his feet with orders….good luck John…