backlit plates available for framing


Grumbler in Training
Apr 27, 2003
PhotoGlow has just developed a backlit plate for framers to finish with their own moldings to create an amazing new product for your frameshop.

The result is a picture frame that is illuminated from behind, and looks like a plasma TV or large LCD monitor.

Eliminates the need for picture lights. 20,000 hour life.

5x7 to 24x36 plates available. 7mm thin. Very reasonable pricing.

Printing services on backlit film available.

Check out this recent review.

email me for additional details.


ed sinofsky
508 737 9199
I remember your posts a few months ago about how to pack for shipping. You were having damage problems or something similar.

Did you get those problems worked out? What changes did you have to make?

I found your website to be very informative as to materials used, quality of work, and instructions for use. That is important, in my opinion, for those contemplating using your product for their
customers. There are manufacturers who seem to not understand why certain questions are asked of their products and some become defensive about answering those questions.

With that in mind, I was wondering what type of mats (paper, rag, alpha cellulose) are used in your product?

Have you gone to a stronger more durable glazing than the .060 styrene that you were using before?

Is the film that you are using for printing the photos something similar to that used to print out Ilfachrome images (fka, Cibachrome)?

Regarding fading, I am not familiar with the type of cold cathode fluorescent lighting you are using. Is there any measureable UVA or UVB radiation given off by this lighting system that could possibly contribute to shortening the life of the image displayed?

I did take note that you have already supplied the prices, sizes, instructions for use and changing the images, shipping, clear background information on the development of your product, and much more information that is useful in determining whether a framer would be interested in carrying your product.

Regarding the pricing, I really can't see how you can offer an 8x10 and an 11x14 framed and matted image for the prices you give in your website!! That is surely a very reasonable pricing structure. (I am assuming that S/H is added to that.)

Overall, a fine presentation of information and a good looking product. Are you going to have a display in Atlanta this September? If so, I will be sure to stop by and say hello.

As they say, the proof is in the putting, and I am dying to get my hands on one of those frames and examine it!!



Some additional questions, I notice that you mention in your post that "PhotoGlow has just developed a backlit plate for framers to finish with their own moldings". Does this mean that a frame shop can buy only the backlit plates and then add any moulding their customer wishes to the package?

What is the price breakdown if this is fact?

Are there minimums for ordering only the backlit plates?

What additional sizes are available to the 5x7, 8x10, 11x14 and 24x36?

Thanks for the information.

[ 08-03-2003, 11:42 AM: Message edited by: Framerguy ]
Framerguy, Thankyou for asking those questions and more than I came up with.
Looking forward to reading the reply, maybe something different that could catch on over here.
and I am willing to give it a try as well. Have not seen this in the UK so it could be a first..
Hey Folks

Thanks for the open minds and the nice comments.

Indeed the news here is the fact that now framers can make an exciting new product by using unframed backlit plates, that are used instead of the foamcore like backing.


Yes, I got my shipping problem fixed. I got specially sized boxes, and figured out a way to use slit pipe insulation along the edges to center the frame in the box. Also switched to UPS from fedex ground.
Hey Folks

Thanks for the open minds and the nice comments.

Indeed the news here is the fact that now framers can make an exciting new product by using unframed backlit plates, that are used instead of the foamcore like backing.


Yes, I got my shipping problem fixed. I got specially sized boxes, and figured out a way to use slit pipe insulation along the edges to center the frame in the box. Also switched to UPS from fedex ground.

hit the button by accident.

Anyway, I must use paper mats since they are so cheap. I am also still using the thin styrene which seems to be under control.

Your questions bring up a key point. I am not a framer, I am an optical guy. I am sure starting with the backlit plate, you guys and girls can make way more amazing presentations than I even know about. You also know how to deal with the public, which I only do via the web.

My pricing was aggressive to get the product out to the public. Now that I am looking to distribute through frame shops, I am raising my retail pricing and keeping the wholesale prices about the same, to increase the margin. Major website redo underway.

The film I use is an white inkjet backlit polyester that prints beautifully. It transmits about 25% of the light that strikes it.

The dynamic that is of interest to you folks is the quality of the new inkjet outputs (epson 2200, 7600) that is amazing. I predict customer will be framing lots of their own printed work on these amazing new machines.

Most of the frames I sell want blank media to print their own images.

Shortest wavelength is 400 nm from the lamp; I also am doing life testing 24/7 in my house (i bet my skylights can be seen from space at night!) and havent seen any fading yet. The ink is pigmented and supposed to last a long long time.

Pricing for the backit plates is
5x7 in 8x10 od $42
8x10 in 11x14 od $62
11x14 in 14x18 od $76
13x19 in 16x22 od $105
16x20 in 20x24 od $119
18x24 in 22x24 od $125
13x36 in 16x40 od $135
24x36 in 28x40 od $189

these are wholesale prices for orders of 10 pcs of any mixed sizes and do not include S/H

I am willing to temporarily waive the 10 pcs minimum to allow the first few adventurous grumblers to try them out.

check out this cool animated gif from the updated web site.

Thanks again for the use of this forum.,

ed sinofsky

How about the Atlanta show??

You gonna have a booth there??

Hi Framerguy

we are not quite big enough yet to exhibit on our own yet.

we were at home decor in NYC this spring as a guest of one of our suppliers, and had a terrific reaction from the crowd to the exhibited pieces.

As we grow, you bet we will make the key shows!

thanks again for your interest/

I am seriously interested in having a look at one of these for the UK market..
question: You guys run on 110 volts if I am not mistaken. We run on 240 Volts.
Do not really fancy a step down transformer in the house.. In the shop window, well that would be ok for a demo. Any plans for a 240volt system.

Could you give me a price for a one off 16 x 20 with the waterfall picture please. To England.
email privately if you want to discuss please
A great idea to bring this product into the home. As a photographer and framer I've always wanted to do this type of display for something "different."

How does your polyester film compare to Kodak Duratrans? It is a silver-halide based product used to make translucent dislays. I like the idea of DIY printing capabilities, but am curious how the two compare.

I use an Epson 785 - is your material compatible?

We're offering a lot of new and innovative products to our gallery's product mix, especially geared toward commercial clients. I think this is a great concept. How can I get one to try it?
Thanks for your glowing interest.

john, I have some power supplies that look like laptop supplies, that will take 110 or 240 V. They have a "figure 8" looking input to put in the local cord. I am out today, but will respond to your email this evening or tomorrow.

Kasssandra and Tony

Yes your epson will do nice backlit prints up to 8x10. Our film is backlit-frontprint and the result looks very much like a duratrans print with no silver halide chemicals.

DIY prints are really fun, and with more and more people having digital cameras with more and more pixels, taking amazing images, and perfecting them in PhotoShop; they will want to frame the best.

Its easy to get a hold of one., just give me a call. most sizes are in stock.

gotta glow!

508 737 9199