Backlit Frame

Doug Gemmell

SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Jun 17, 2002
Everett, WA
Have a request to supply a backlit frame like those used in theaters. Anyone know how to make such a thing?
It is pretty mush just like a traditional artiat light box. Of corse you would need to do this in a shadow box frame. You would need 2 light sockets one going across the top and one for bottom. You want to mack sure that the bulb is long and slinder. Then you will need a white plexi that will be on top of the lights, this helps distribute the light evenly. Then you would put down the art with clear plexi on top. Then put package in frame.
have dne this manytimes. Take apart a LED battery operated picture light, use the LED strip for the lights and wire to battery pack taking AAor AAA batteries with an on/off switch located at bottom of frame or back of frame.

Depending on how large the piece is, works perfectly