average ticket: up, down, or same?

Mike LeCompte CPF

MGF, Master Grumble Framer
Jul 20, 2005
Knoxville TN
We've discussed the Christmas boom or bust but I'm curious: are you seeing your average ticket up, down, or about the same. We're seeing lots of bargain shoppers and price-hunters. Wondering if that's just us or is it a trend all over?
Mine's up - but it has really tailed off last week for some reason.

Of the very, very few people we have been getting in lately, many seem to be the bargain basement types. For some reason (cheap off-shore BB art imports maybe?) the perceived value of quality framing and art seems to be dropping.

I find it hard to convey to these folks that the 30 x 40 inch piece with double mats, v-groove, etc., that they see in Costco/Homesense/Walmart, etc., for $119.00 is not the same as quality custom framing. I see this having a big impact lately.

Just my observation anyway.
Ave ticket is up, but so are the COGS!

Number of tickets for christmas is down slightly, but up overall for the year.
Hey Mike-A review of the Surveys taken over the last several years all indicate a continuing drop in what consumers say they spend on framing

I suspect, however, that many framers really are guessing.

I would go with the consumers everytime
For the past two years, average order value has been definately trending up, accompanied by lower COGS and higher profits. There are several reasons for this:

1. Fewer orders overall, but larger.

2. We allowed some of our discounted, commercial business to go away.

3. Buying better

4. Fewer employee hours, lower payroll, lower associated taxes.

5. Fewer coupons & other retail discounts, such as clearance items.

6. Fewer advertising dollars, but better spent.

Bob, I agree that small business owners too often do not know their numbers. And sometmes the known numbers are difficult to analyze, but that's where the benefits of good POS software and Quick Books Pro are most obvious.
Hi Ken,
I think what Jim is saying is that he found the best form of advertising for him and cancelled the ones that wern't bringing in the new customers. We tracked or customers, even if it came down to asking new customers how they found us. We zeroed in on what worked best and canned the others, so our advertising dollars are "better spent".

Coincidental this thread should come up because Ahlene and I were just discussing the fact that our ticket averages are definately up.

average ticket up, but we now offer some services that are not included in our avg ticket price (plak-it, hanging services, interior decor consultations, readymade frames & mats). I'm capturing a piece of several markets versus just "custom framing". If they don't want the full service custom framing, we have other options to offer. Seems to be working.

Short example: I was waiting on a customer and another customer came in. She watched for a few minutes and then said that maybe she needed to go somewhere else since we appeared to have just highend custom framing. I asked her to wait a second, because we have from soup to nuts on options to hang things on the wall. She waited and decided on plak-it for some old calendar pictures she wanted to hang in her kitchen. $100 sale that didn't walk out the door, and mimimal work on my side; write up the order send it out, receive it back and call that its done.

This is what I have been working on for 2005 to make my year better
Average ticket is down but there are more tickets.

But we do have many gift items under $30.00 that bring them in and they buy more individual items.

Framing tickets are down but tend to be more profitable due to better buying.

Might take Bob's class in Vegas so I can buy even better!!!
My average ticket for the year is up a little over last year, but my tickets over the last two weeks are definitely lower, but more of them. Seems (around here at least) people want to spend less on gifts than they are willing to on themselves.
For November: Number of tickets is up... price per ticket is down.
I posted this question because I'm seeing two things: First,my existing customers--the one five or so years' old--are spending money. LIke the oversized aluminum frame I'm asking about elsewhere here, and The Creation of David--oversize poster--canvas transferred then put in a 4" Roma gold moulding.

But the new customers coming in are looking for, if not bargains, then not the higher end on the creative scale.

And nothing in between, sofar.

So, on the one hand, existing customers are spending thru the roof, while the new ones are averaging the ol' single/double mat, reasonably priced wood frame and "can Ihave it next week, thankyouverymuch" mentality.

Curious what's happening this year.
Originally posted by Creative Chicks:
Hi Ken,
I think what Jim is saying is that he found the best form of advertising for him and cancelled the ones that wern't bringing in the new customers...Lori
Yes, that is correct. We spent about $2,000 less for advertising in 2005, and I expect to cut another $1,000 or so from our 2006 budget. But we will reach at least twice as many of our target customers with a stronger message via direct mail. I think. :rolleyes:
Jim-That is a great point. Monitor what you, analyze the data, react and modify.

In this ever changing market, we need to be adaptable and we need to try different things
Average custom framing project up $30.00 over last year.
Reason? After taking Dennis Tilly's class at the Evergreen Picture Framers Guild education seminar, I instituted suggestions learned from the class. We are also selling more "higher end" designs, i.e. suede mats, fillets, etc.

Average ticket up by about 12%. More orders, fewer complaints. I have a select clientel since I closed my storefront and am open about 8 miles from the nearest community. Next move is to leave the State and locate in Brookings Oregon. Probably will not open a shop but offer help to local framers if they want it. If they do not want help then all bets are off.

Jack Cee