Auction Sniper

Wow I really have a problem with giving someone on the outside my Ebay account information including access to my credit card information.
It probably is ok, but the things I've bought on ebay worked out well. I haven't lost anything due to lack of dilligence.

The concept of auctionsniper is sound, though. I don't buy that much on ebay.
Marc - I think the inflatable ferret is adorable!

But that wasn't your question, was it?

I bid on lots of stuff on ebay; I don't need any of it. I decide what I would be willing to pay and enter that amount. I never, ever, raise my bid. If I get outbid, it just means that someone else wanted the glass knife, Wanda Gag litho, Leo Kotke CD more than I did.

The sun still comes up the next morning and life goes on.

I missed the beginning of the thread on auction sniping, but there is a free tool at that does not require a credit card, but it obviously requires your ebay password.
I've seen alot of people who buy and sell alot on ebay use sniping programs. I personally think it sucks. However, if you are really after something on Ebay then.......Well you know. There are other sniping programs out there, they all want your account number and that bothers me. It really bothers me if they want my CC too. Auctionsniper is not free, it's a try before you buy, I haven't wanted anything bad enough to use it yet.
Hi Marc,

I sent the Sniper application link to my friend who is an Ebay junky and she loved it. She says you can change your password when you do not want to use it. She tried it on three different items and won all three. She is a Very happy lady and loves the Sniper!!!

But what if you have an auction with multiple Snipers!!!
Originally posted by ArtLady:
Hi Marc,

I sent the Sniper application link to my friend who is an Ebay junky and she loved it. She says you can change your password when you do not want to use it. She tried it on three different items and won all three. She is a Very happy lady and loves the Sniper!!!

<font color=indianred>But what if you have an auction with multiple Snipers!!!

My Gosh!! Multiple snipers!! Can you imagine an obscure open edition print going on Ebay and 3 different people, all heavily armed with Auction snipers, wanting that print?? Why the snipers would go nuts!

As soon as sniper one (Rambo) bids on the print, sniper 2 (Colonel Klink) would instantly overbid, actuating sniper 3 (Sgt. Ryan) to out bid the Klink bid and the race is on!! Boy, would I like to have that print listed on that auction.

It could go up into the THOUSANDS before one of the snipers would accidently shoot itself in the virtual foot and cause the other 2 to OD on extra sniping until all 3 are laying in the bottom of 3 separate computer towers somewhere in the world moaning and going into virtual death throes.

Kit, this has the makin's for our NEXT Grumbler's serial, eh?

Framerguy, alias, "Dark Sniper, Terror of Ebay"
I had been sniped a few times back when was doing their auctions. It's irritating but a fact of life. I was able to manually outsnipe the sniping program a time or two which only works as a viable tactic if the auction itself has closing time integrity.

If you're really intent on buying something, a sniping program is a good thing if it allows you to put a ceiling on your bid. That way you can set your price and don't worry about checking on it.

ArtLady, I'm surprised at your comment, actually. Surely, with your computer background, you know that, even using SSL, cc numbers are out there for the taking when used over the ether. The reason they're not used is that hackers know that their actions are traceable and identity thieves need to have several instances line up before a given identity is a good candidate for their work. Most of us just don't fit what they need.

It seems to me that giving your cc number to a reasonably secure service is no different than using a cc number on Travelocity (who always asks me, "should we use the cc number ending in xxxx for this purchase?") to make a travel reservation.

I couldn't tell whether you were saying that giving your cc number to a service to use on your behalf was a bad thing or just using your cc at all online is bad. It's all risk which needs to be managed with open eyes, immho.

Risk avoidance is silly. There is no such thing as absolutely safe. As Michael Kinsley pointed out recently, "Life was a lot riskier than we believed before 9/11. It's not near as risky as we now fear."