Auction ionized Neutral PH water


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
In Memorium
Rest In Peace

Gone but not forgotten
Dec 7, 2001
This is for 24 oz. of ionized neutral ph water used for wetting rice paper hinges or acid free linen tape. If you are not aware of the fact that most water is naturally acidic. If you are doing pure conservation framing you must use this for your hinges.

Bidding starts at $6.00 and there will be $4.00 added for shipping. This is a time limited auction. High bidder at auction close wins.

Auction starts now and closes at 7PM Oct 6th 2003 EST. (posted 10-06-2003 06:59 PM is the last allowable bid. 07:00PM the auction is closed) Any bids received after that time will be invalid. The time stamp on your reply message is the official time of the bid.

Shipping will be by USPS Priority Mail to a USA address only. Payment may be by master card, visa, Business Check, MO, cash...

[ 10-01-2003, 10:07 AM: Message edited by: GUMBY ]
James how is the water stored???

My understanding is, that to have true neutral water it should be produced fresh, other wise there is a big likelihood that the water can be contaminated by atmospheric contamination or by bacterial growth…water that is for natural/sterile use should be stored in a continues moving loop to avoid contamination or produced fresh.

I eluded to bacterial/cross contamination some time ago and one of the leading lights in the framing business indicated that this was not necessary……..which leads me to wonder why a conservation house in New York city has considered it necessary to put in a Class 10,000 clean room……there was a story about this in Décor (or one of the other publications) some time ago.


It is produced fresh. Then put in a sealed bottle. I have tested it up to a month later and it stays neutral ph. I did not say it was sterile water only ionized and neutral ph. Did I hear $6.50us? I am sorry to say this product can only be shipped in the US. Sorry Irish & and our Down Under friends.
All those who bought your water it will be shipped 10-8-03 at 12:00 noon EST. Thank you very much.