Auction, Fletcher Lifter Hinge


Founder of the G
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Founding Member
Jul 30, 1997
These are for a Fletcher mat cutter. They lift the bar for you. Bidding starts at $5.00 and there will be $4.00 added for shipping. This is a time limited auction. High bidder at auction close wins.

Auction start now and closes at 7PM Oct 7th 2003 EST. (posted 10-07-2003 06:59 PM, last allow time if 07:00PM the auction is closed) Any bids received after that time will be invalid. The time stamp on your reply message is the official time of the bid.

Shipping will be by USPS Priority Mail to a USA address only. Payment may be by PayPal, Business Check, MO, ?? I'm easy...


Good Luck,

[ 09-29-2003, 05:02 PM: Message edited by: framer tg: ]
Bring to top.
This closes in about 4 hours.

[ 10-07-2003, 03:00 PM: Message edited by: framer tg: ]
I've heard about these but never saw them before. How do they actually work?? I can't figure it out by lookiing at them. :confused:
Okey, dokey... I'll bid 6.50
Well, shoot!! I guess I won!
email me and i'll get the money right out to you. :D
I almost forgot about this, We have a Winner....

I'll email you tomorrow.


Wouldn't bidding on an item that you aren't really sure of how to use strike you as a bit nutty or at least flakey? Or ignoring the homophobic entendre, it's even a bit fruity.

Most of the fruity nut-flakes you mention are just the visitors and guests.

But alas, since you left, when I pour granola, it produces meerly an empty bowl.

I guess I'll go back to Quaker Oats. That must mean PA is flakey and toasted?
Mark... I'm sure I'll figure them out ... you big silly!!! :rolleyes:
Framer (tg), to be fair, I think you should send one to Marc and one to Framah.

They look like little catapults that could be used to hurl projectiles and insults back-and-forth between the two coasts.


[ 10-12-2003, 07:14 AM: Message edited by: Ron Eggers ]
Gee Ron,

I push one down and put an old bb in it and let it go. I now have a small dent in my ceiling over my desk.

Sheesh, Marc... Lighten up! I hit the k out of habit . There obviously was no offense meant. The whole post is silly and I was having fun with you. Too bad you didn't figure that out. :rolleyes:
And as to why I would want these when I obviously didn't know how they worked, I have a Fletcher cutter and it was suggested by my rep to get them and I'm positive that I'll figure them out. It's just that i'd never actually seen them before. If you really want them, I'll sell them to you for 7.50.
Originally from the lips of framah:
Sheesh, Marc... Lighten up! I hit the k out of habit. There obviously was no offense meant.
So, to paraphrase: I really wasn't thinking, or paying attention.

Too bad you didn't figure that out.
I did indeed figure it out.

I also figured out that humor at the expense of others is not humor.

Remind me agian what part was supposed to be funny?
Originally posted by Marc Lizer:
Wouldn't bidding on an item that you aren't really sure of how to use strike you as a bit nutty or at least flakey? Or ignoring the homophobic entendre, it's even a bit fruity.

Most of the fruity nut-flakes you mention are just the visitors and guests.

But alas, since you left, when I pour granola, it produces meerly an empty bowl.

I guess I'll go back to Quaker Oats. That must mean PA is flakey and toasted?

Now correct me if I am wrong, but don't I detect a note of sarcasm in this post?

"Humor at the expense of others is not humor" is your line, if I remember correctly? Why aren't you following your own sage advice? I re-read these posts and this one of yours seems to be the one that first displayed any note of "humor at others expense". I have to believe that, having 3 close friends named Mark, that it is quite easy to automatically type in "Mark" for "Marc" in this case.

Regarding the "fruity nut-flakes" statement, I think that originated on one of your posts also:

Originally posted by Marc Lizer:
To clarify:

Kansas: The Wheat State.

We all know the Fruit and Nuts and Flakes State.

And, of course, then we now certainly know the State where the Sap Runs Naked Through the Trees.
Why don't you cut some slack and give a little benefit of the doubt to framah.

And, in addition, I don't read "I really wasn't thinking, or paying attention" even at a stretch in framah's reply that he hit the wrong key when typing your name.

Ya gotta get into the routine with the new member of the family and get used to the late hour diaper changing before it screws up your brain, friend! :D :cool: :D


[ 10-13-2003, 03:36 AM: Message edited by: Framerguy ]
Correct me if I'm wrong, but wrong key would be
or even

c is on the other side if the board from k

On the otherhand, any of framugh's comments with respect to other people who spell marc with a "c" are spelled correctly.

So you tell me what's intentional?

And the fruits and nuts reference was from a homophobic comment famaugh made on anohther post.

Like I said.

Humor at the expense of others is not funny.

Some call it racisim or bigotry.

But maybe that's the norm for Maine

[ 10-13-2003, 05:21 AM: Message edited by: Marc Lizer ]
Now I get why Framah spelled his name that way - the Maine accent!

It struck me only after I read the way Marc misspelled it. That's funny.

Sometimes I miss the point the first time I read something.

And then there's times when I don't get the point no matter how many times I read it. :confused:
Forgive me for mis-representing California. It's apparently the "PC" state. Or as the rest of the world would say at this point: "Whatever!"
Actually, my earlier saying of fruits and nuts was something that I heard a gay comedian say.
Either way, you seriously need to develop a thicker skin if you are going to live in California (or anywhere else, for that matter). Based on what I see going on there, the comments from the rest of the country aren't going to stop anytime soon.
And I never said I hit the k by accident, but out of habit as I know of no one else who spells their name as you do and so as I was typing, it was only natural to hit the k key. Proximity to the c key has nothing to do with it.
And spelling my name framaugh is just plain childish.
The real truth here is that you are upset that you didn't get the lifts, isn't it? Don't take it so personal when someone else outbids you. It's not worth getting upset about.
So lets agree to just drop the whole matter and get on with our respective lives.
Originally proffered by framugh:
Actually, my earlier saying of fruits and nuts was something that I heard a gay comedian say.
Is that like: "I'm racist, some of my best friends are blacks."

or "I'm not a bigot, I even met a Jew once. It wasn't nearly half as bad as everybody said it was."

or "I'm not homophobic, once I even saw a gay comic tell the best gay jokes. Thank goodness, it was on TV, and I didn't even have to be in the same room as one. Now I have the greatest jokes. But some ******* out in California just doesn't think it's funny when I make fun of gays."

from the mind of framurgh:
And I never said I hit the k by accident,
That was a surmise from another grumbler (you did read that, right?) Or were you not paying attention again?

framahhh mental proccess
but out of habit as I know of no one else who spells their name as you do and so as I was typing, it was only natural to hit the k key.
Help me out here, but didn't you read my name before posting a reply? Or were you not paying attention again?

Seems pretty clear at that point doesn't it?

Further wisdom of Framjoto
And spelling my name framaugh is just plain childish.
You are right, but what if I wasn't paying attention when I was typing on that one?

Or, better yet, out of habit, from all the other people whose names in augh, I typed augh. that Rush Limbaugh story has been just everywhere. It really must be affecting me. That and all the OxyC.

I'll make sure not to make the augh mistake unintentionally like that again.

more on fraymah
real truth here is that you are upset that you didn't get the lifts, isn't it? Don't take it so personal when someone else outbids you. It's not worth getting upset about.
You really are think if you think this about an aucton, then you really are thick.

framito goes on:
So lets agree to just drop the whole matter and get on with our respective lives. [/QB]
Life was never intrupted, for me least.

But I guess you are trying to say you'd rather get back posts that put down some group for some reason or another.

A laudable an lofty goal. Best you get right to it.

Sorry to put a temorary damper on the very witty exercises in literary brilliance.

I'm sure you'll get back in the saddle, and riding high, in no time at all.
As I said... Whatever!! You are free to misinterpret and believe whatever you like. It just doesn't matter a whit. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: