Attn. San Diego Grumblers!!!!!!!!!!!!


True Grumbler
May 25, 2005
Seattle, WA
Hi All You San Diegoans!
I have some important information and a favor to ask of you all regarding a client of mine who just moved to your lovely city!

One of my clients left town, Seattle, without paying me a lot of money, $4500, and I wanted to warn you about him so you take full payment up front always with him,if he comes in to frame something with you. No checks, always credit card that you run and validate while he is in the store!!
I am hoping that someday this guy will turn up, and that, while he may need some nice framing to do for his new house, you might have the heart to share his current info with me so I can collect my money from him. I need an address to send him a certified letter, but have only an old POBox.
So, he has dark hair, somewhat attractiveish (?), medium height and build, speaks with a sort of effected tone (says "gold" like he's saying "goal" no d.?), his name is ********, and he works under a few business names.. One is Symbol, and the other is Leap. He might've closed them both by now, but you never know. He always asked me for tax free framing because he had a UBI#. He appears to have decent taste, (i am tripping over a 90" x 45" closed corner frame since June that he ordered), and he likes to throw money around. i got very excited when i met him because he had tons of huge art to frame well.

So, if this guy comes into your shop, requesting framing, by all means do business with him.. we did many many orders together before he skipped town owing me $4500.. but please, without letting him know, get all the current info you can out of him, and call me or email right away at my shop, Trofeo, in Seattle! My number is 206-632-4600, and email is Thank you soooo much!!!! If you help me find him, a finders fee/reward of $500 will be a bonus for you, of course.. !!!!
Sara Tro
Trofeo Fine Custom Framing
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Sara, my daughter's future mother-in-law has a gallery in San Diego. I'll pass the info to her too, I'm sure she has many framing connections there.
Sara, I hope you're not setting yourself up for even more hurt by posting that on a public forum.

He always asked me for tax free framing because he had a UBI#.
Is a UBI the state seller's permit or resale license? If you have one, you don't pay ANY sales taxes? I assume you have one. Could you use it to avoid paying sales tax on a new car?

This has nothing to do with your missing $4500. I'm just curious.
Uh, Sara, is this guy Symbol Ralph Lauren Ltd?
PO Box. He has UBI's open and closed on the same day. Kind of a rogue, for sure.

Ron -UBI in Washington is the states resale license. You don't pay sales tax on items that you use as part of your product or you resell in its' oringinal form, generally.

Some people use and abuse.

Sara, if you are interested, I might be able to locate him for you. Keep the $500 and donate it to a charity. Bob Carter is always helping us, so maybe he can suggest one to you - if we can locate your customer. No promises, but most people leave a pretty good trail.
Does the 90" x 45 " frame have his artwork in it?
Forget it, I just read your other post about this.
Struck out on Google, Sorry.

There are a bunch of pictures associated with the name Richard Edwards. If you try a search on google under images and his pic comes up click on it and you may be able to track him that way.

Good luck.
If you have the UBI number there is where you go. Unless he used a false ID or gave you a bogus tax # in which case now it is a State crime. Who ever issues the UBI #'s should have his Social Security #. You may have to have the local police dept. get it for you. But that is his trail.
Bust his balls!~ can I say that?
Terry, Sara could use it to helpin all that schlepping around she could do for EPFG as the new President....

do I hear a second?
Thanks everyone!
Well, I never thought about using the UBI number to find him... I'll look into that!
And, I guess I gathered his UBI number and didn't charge him tax because he said he was using his home as a "showroom", and he was a designer of sorts.. He was always very vague, but I trusted it, as his house looked ready to be photographed by Better Homes at all times. There was never a dish in the sink, never a towel out of place. I don't even know if he lived there for real!
So, Terry, I would hate to ask for more help and your valuable time, but if you have any ideas as to how I could go about finding him, or if you seriously might check into it for me.. I am not familiar with B.Carter and how he has helped you, but would love to hear more.
Also, I am VERY interested in the Ralph Lauren mention too... This client decorated his whole place based on a Ralph Lauren spred in a magazine.. He showed it to me on his computer.. and asked me to frame something based on the photo he printed out.. Which actually wound up being a blurry background shot with multiple frames stacked in front of one another and layered, and he thought it was one frame.. Anyway, I know he said one of his businesses was called Symbol, so I wonder if he is stalking Ralph, or if he works for that company?? His newest indevor was called Leap, so who knows what the heck is up with him.
Anyway, I'll keep y'all posted, and check back soon for any updates!
& (Baer, I'm not even a member yet!! *sheepish grin*.. Hope you are well)
It you think he was using his state reseller number for his personal expenses why not give his name to your state department of revenue. They have unlimited resources and a staff that loves to go after the bad guys.

Use care not to get yourself in trouble. They must know you discovered the fraud after your own investigation. If they think you co-operated with sales tax fraud they may come after you.

try the state corp DB(assumes he was/is legit in biz), check post office for forwarding...for $4500 you can buy a skip tracer to do the grunt work and then go find BUBBA to pay a short/voilent visit!!!!!!!!! Your still out $$ but heavy on the satisfaction scale???