Attention Moderators


SPFG, Supreme Picture Framing God
Founding Member
Nov 23, 1997
Mandeville, LA USA
Bill ,Ron ,Mike or Marc;
I just received another Phone call from Jim parrie who registered on TFG and attempted to post an explantion of his add that was in question here on TFG. Only problem is he keeps getting told he isn't LOGGED IN .I told him this occaionally happens to me and to just click on Log in and enter is screen name and pasword and he should be allowed in. He said he has done this several times to no avail. Will someone please contact him at His email address Listed previously or at and guide him through.I have tried and have been of no help.
He is attempting to set the record staight for all who are intersted in the Add that was posted here but can't get to post his reply.IMHO we need to do all we can to incourage and help People like Jim to reply directly to questions about their activities ON TFG.
This doesn't require a moderator. It just requires somebody who knows how to log in. I'll get the Digital Diva right on it.

Jim, if you're reading this, click on this link to have your log-in information emailed to you automatically so you can verify your password and user name. If that doesn't help, drop me a note.

I had that problem for a while. The Greumble would say I wasn't logged in, wouldn't let me post, but if I right clicked on a title and picked "open in a new window" I would be logged in. And then I could post a reply.

Never did figure it out, as I followed all the recommendations people gave me (clearing the cache, et al)

So after Jim "logs in" and gets told he isn't logged in, have him try to opena thread and see if he is "loggeed in" after that.

Keep in mind that passwords are CASE SeNsITiVe

Thank you, thank you, thank you for the hint on opening up the thread in a new window!! I have had a serious problem with the log-in procedure. I'm doing everything correctly, but have not been able to sign in. Happy camper am I.
Jim and Deacons,

I'd like to welcome you both to the Picture Framer's Grumble!

I'm sure you'll find it to be a great place to share ideas and interact with peers.

I have already thank Jim but thanks again for answering Directly . IMHO doing that stops unwarranted RUMORS.

Also welcome Deacon and thank you for pointing out that what sometimes seems to be taken for granted by the more Computer literate can be a stumbling block for some of US.

But Most importantly thatnk all the moderators Bill,Ron ,Marc and Mike and even Diva or anyone and everyone else who came to Jim's aid after my botched attemps.
PS see Betty you do read things very well. Don't you?LOL
I'm just pretty good at reading between the lines...

Plus, I'm an entrepreneur at heart - that's what I'd do, if I was him!
