Attaching easel backs


MGF, Master Grumble Framer
Apr 28, 2002
Albuquerque, NM
Does anyone have a way to attach easel backs that will stand the test of time and look nice? We've been using glue, but I'm concerned that the weight of the frame, say, 8x10, will pull the back off over time.

Any suggestions will be appreciated.

I purchased nice brass brads from a hardware store.

We use heavy duty atg to hold the easel back in place, then use 6-8 brass brads nailed into the corners and sides to hold it in place.

Looks nice and never had one go yet.

Have you considered using turnbuttons similar to the ones they use on alot of the factory easel back frames??

Stop in a Hobby Lobby and check out their selection of easel backs, most all of them have turn buttons to hold the back in the frame.


Edit: You could also fit the frames as you normally do for a wall mount and then attach an "Easel-Mate" to the bottom of the frame. Check out UMS's catalog for them.
We use turnbuttons as well. Customers seem to be pleased.
I second JB, looks great and holds great. Now if only the hinge could last forever...
I also use brass brads with both regular cardboard easels or fabric wrapped easels. They look nice and hold well.

Dave Makielski
Chicken wire.
A customer brought in two nice Art Deco picture frames that need new easel backs.
The problem is that the frames are painted glass.
How can I clean off the old glue from the previous easels without removing the paint?

Any help will be appreciated!