attach ez


CGF, Certified Grumble Framer
Jul 16, 2002
Wadsworth, Oh
Does any one know if United carries the attach ez? I can't find it in the catalog or on the web site.
Yes they do.

It's in one or more of the newer supplements.

I'll check the numbers when I get to the shop.

We have had 2 of these for several months now
and they are working great for us.
Someone else may have different opinion but we
think it was a great investment at a fairly
low cost. I think we paid $149 or so for both of
them. One is for fine work and one is for a bit more coarse work.
The various kits, and all the individual accessories, are on page 25 of Supplement #36 (red cover.)

If you don't have this, tell us what kit or part(s) you're looking for and I'll give you the United number.
As a salesman will say, the greatest thing since sliced bread. Wait until you see the new set up for shadow boxes, it was being demonstrated at the WCAF show in Las Vegas. Should be available in March, M&M was taking pre orders.

We love the attach EZ, wish I would have thought of it!
A Wise: We we're the orignial distributor for Attach-Ez and you can order one out of Troy and have it in a day via UPS. 1-800-632-4842. John Farr is your rep. And the new device is great! Available in March.