Just wanted to elaborate on what John Richards posted. For all of you who are using the Attach-EZ system or intend to purchase it in the future I will be posting one picutre a week on my web site of work that has been done using the Attach-EZ system. I only thought of this during the TC Moulding Show and was so busy that I'm sure many who purchaced the system didn't hear about this promotion. You can download your pictures to me at my e-mail address attachezoms@aol.com. Please send a detail of the process you used, your store name and address, and where you purchased your system. This picture will be changed weekly and since there are a lot out there who have purchased the system already I'm sure I will be getting a tons of great entries to post. It would be wonderful if I could post them all, but that is probably not realistic. So, the choices for posting will be made by the most unique, best display of artwork, and how the system was used. If your picture makes it to the web site it will be a great place to send your customers to show them your work, and for the Grumblers to get to see your "stuff" as well. Happy Attaching. I look forward to seeing your work. Pat Kotnour