OK, I am still trying to get this whole subject into some kind of persepctive and I keep getting rocks thrown at me for trying to undermine the sale of the Attach-Ez product from Mrs. Kotnour. I, in no way, am trying to stop the sale of nor diminish the quality of this woman's product. If my previous posts were read and understood, there is a request for information on this product and I was simply making an attempt to understand what the 2 tools actually did and how I would benefit from spending the purchase price for the kit.
I received this email this morning and am no more informed than with all of my posted questions nor my first email to Mrs. Kotnour asking the same questions that I posted here on the Grumble. (With no specific reply to either request.)
Email from P. Kotnour:
I decided to try to send you an e-mail again. Since yesterday I not only can't get logged on to the Grumble, but I also tried numerous times to e-mail you to no avail.
It seems a bit strange that you have asked me all these questions and now suddenly I can't even log on to answer them. <font color=red>And when I got this email that apparently DID go through, I found no answers to any of my questions.)</font>
For some reason you have taken a personal interest in Attach-EZ. <font color=red>As have many others. But it seems like any questions asked about the product are referred to your website where there isn't a single answer to my specific questions with the exception of the fact that the attaching parts are, in fact, nylon.</font>
Your interest seems to be designed to create a negative aura around this product and I can't for the life of me understand why. <font color=red>Any "aura" seems to be created by the lack of specific information and answers about this new product and the defensive attitude you reflect in your rather vague responses to my questions.</font>
3 M or any other of the manufaturers who bring out new products do not publish their instruction booklets. <font color=red>You are absolutely correct. And I never asked that you publish your instruction booklet in my post. Here is what I suggested:</font>I personally feel that any informtion that is disseminated at a demonstration or through a handbook or owner's manual that is pertinent to the general operation of the product should be considered for publication where those of us who don't have an opportunity to attend these demonstrations or have access to the owner's manual could go to get some of our answers to questions.
Why do you think I should give you something that everyone else who buys the product is paying for?<font color=red>I am not asking for anything more than answers to questions that concern me.</font>
The instruction booklets are a very important part of this system. They were expensive to have printed and are included in every combo kit. They are the part that helps a framer and their employees learn to use the system. No matter how much information I give you, it isn't enough. You want it all. There is only one way to get it all, but quite frankly, I really hope that you don't buy it. I have not had one complaint from the hundreds of people already using this product, but I'm sure you would be my first. Please do the Grumblers a favor and let them make up their own minds on the Attach-EZ product based on accurate information, not on your very biased inuendos. I think JPete's reply says it all. Why don't you listen to him? He has really seen this product and knows how valuable it will be to his shop. <font color-red> I am quite sure that Jeanette will be thrilled to find out that she is put in the "male" category which I find is a bit biasly represented on your website also.
End of email.
Here are some quotes from the Attach-Ez website concerning the apparent lack of "womanly skills" that we men seem to lack in your eyes:
Being a one person frame shop, and even though my husband is very supportive (he does all the cooking), he has the patience of a gnat when it comes to doing anything tedious like the sewing involved in mounting doilies and T-shirts.
And Gal's, the men love ATTACH-EZ because it's easy, and doesn't involve sewing! You know how they are about their toys and new tools.
If you have purchased your Attach-EZ combo kit without seeing a demonstration, it is really important that you read the directions, especially the guys, before using this product.
It seems to me as a member of this blundering class of male framers that, if we did purchase this product, we would not have the capacity to learn how to operate this little "toy/new tool" without seriously hurting ourselves or destroying the memorabilia of our customers.
I will await your response to my questions and hope that your attitude towards the ignorant male framers on this forum will change to a more friendly tone in the future.
P.S. Maybe if you got your husband to read my posts to you, it would clarify the "guy" side of this issue and be more understandable to you.