Attach-EZ new web page.

Patricia Kotnour

SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Industry Vendor
Featured Vendor Forum Sponsor
Mar 11, 2003
Hastings, MN
CEO of Attach-EZ, inc
Since I have been getting tons of e-mail on the Attach-EZ Object Mounting System I thought you all might like to know that there will be a new web page added to my site that will answer the most frequently asked questions, give hints on using the system, where I will be showing next, etc. The web address is It will be updated as needed. In the meantime I will be happy to answer any questions that you might have. Just e-mail me at Happy framing.
Pat wanted me to let everyone know that if you take pictures of the items that you use the Attach-Ez with for framing along with a description of the project then she will post them on the Attach-Ez website and show your shop information!
I had looked at these tools some time ago and considered using them to attach fabric objects in framing packages. I did not purchase one because I was concerned about the nylon fasteners. Will they deteriorate in time and fail to hold the piece? Is the nylon inert, or could it cause discoloration of the item it is attaching?

[ 04-07-2003, 12:20 PM: Message edited by: Bob Shirk CPF ]
Bob couldn't have seen either of the tools in the Attach-EZ combo kit, because the Micro tool is brand new and Attach-EZ is the only company who is able to get it. Also,neither tool has ever been used in the framing indurstry. What he is refering to is the clothing tagging guns with those huge needles that would put big holes in anything you might use them on. For anyone who is interested in seeing a demonstration of the real thing check out the web site for up and coming shows.

[ 04-10-2003, 05:08 PM: Message edited by: P. Kotnour ]
Youre real good at keeping your threads at the top of the pile, how bout answering Bobs questions about "Will they deteriorate in time and fail to hold the piece? Is the nylon inert, or could it cause discoloration of the item it is attaching?"
And while we are at it isnt this the equivalent of using fishing line to secure fabric items which most framers agree is a bad thing due to the strength of the nylon versus the strength of the fabric?
Please answer as a reply to this thread rather than starting a fifth thread on attachez.

[ 04-10-2003, 05:51 PM: Message edited by: EricL ]
Just a note:

There is a forum where boldface advertisement is not only allowed, but encouraged. It is the For Sale forum.

I (or other moderators) have moved threads of sole advertising content there before. But not consistently.

I kinda thought that this advertisement would just fade away.

However, with advertisers now paying, as a courtesy, it makes sense to be consistent.
I've had some comments about moving this thread to For Sale forum.

I'm closing it here and transfering it to for sale forum.


I have noticed a deafening silence lately regarding some of the concerns about this attaching device that you and John Richards are promoting on the Grumble. This leads me to question whether your very&nbsp expensive "tag gun" is all you have hyped it to be??

Have you or any of your testing facilities run tests on the strength and durability of the holders designed to be used with your gun?

Are the nylon attachments manufactured with a certain break point in mind so as not to cause any damage to the fabric or any other material being held in place by these attachments?

Has outgassing, color shifting, and deterioriation of the attachments been thoroughly tested and adjustments made so that these problems won't cause any damage to the customer's materials?

There has always been a concern about using nylon based threads or monofilament to attach items to a backing board. They have a tendency to be much too strong and have a rather smooth sharp cutting characteristic to them that could damage the customer's materials. Are your attaching materials of such a construction as to minimize this problem?

I am afraid that, until these questions are addressed and answered to the satisfaction of most framers who mount fabric and delicate materials, I, for one, will not be in the market for one of these attaching gun kits.

I hope to see some answers to these questions soon on this thread and I am sure that there are other framers who will be interested in more specific information on your product.

We were also interested in the gun, so we called and e-mail the two companies listed on the web site. One didn't know anything about the product and the other had seen the gun but didn't know the price. If a company posts an item on their web site for sale -- don't you think they would supply pricing or something? I like the questions "Framerguy" has asked, now lets see if there are any answers.

[ 04-16-2003, 06:06 PM: Message edited by: Bill Ross ]
The deafening silence has come only because I was getting very negative responses from people who haven't even seen or tried this product and were accusing me of using the Grumble for advertising purposes. You have not been hearing from me since I have been answering questions from the Grumblers directly through the e-mail. Since comments have been made that I was using the Grumble for advertising purposes, I felt this was the best way to handle the many inquiries I was receiveng. Sales have been way beyond my expectations. Because the damand is so great I can't even get any of my own product right now. I'm very sorry that I broke the Grumbles unwritten rules, but I was only trying to help people get the facts from someone who really knows them. The Attach-EZ is one of the biggest new product launches TC Moulding has ever had. John Richards probably hasn't said anymore about it for the same reason I have not. Some of the Grumblers don't seem to really want to know. You can ask any one of TC sales people, or John Richards himself, and they will all tell you that this product is one of the best things to come on the framing market in a long time. Even the vendors from other framing equipment companies are referring shops to me. I am quite disappointed in the Grumble for the lack of consideration to a new member who was only trying to help and didn't know that there were rules that all Grumblers are supposed to automatically know. If you don't buy the system because of misinformation, then you will be giving your competition an edge. The shops who do use it will be able to price more competetively. But, you are right Frameguy, you probably shouldn't buy the system if you don't have confidence in what it will do for your shop. Anyone else who has questions, or wants more information about this new product, please e-mail me at and I will be happy to correspond with you directly.
Many of those listed on the Web site have just ordered and have not recieved their product yet. You have to understand that like any new product, it takes time to get it out on the market and their company people educated. We are really having trouble keeping up with the demand and are having huge growing pains right now. TC Moulding is ordering just about every week but their product is being sold before the stock comes in and we can't seem to catch up. I know that Colorado Moulding has stock right now, because they were just shipped their first order last week. They have an open house on the 26 and 27 so they won't have stock long. CMI TX will have stock by the end of next week, but they also have a show "Three Stars Over Texas" May 2-3rd that will take care of that stock. If anyone wants the Attach-EZ system right now and can't find any in stock please let me know. I will try to see to it that you get shipped. If you go to my Web site you will find the answers to most of the questions frameguy has ask. If you don't find the answers there please e-mail me direct and I will try to help you. You can also click on to any of the locations on my web site to download an order form and fax it to that same loacation. That will put you on their list for first shipment when their stock comes in. In the next two weeks, Cash Moulding, Birmingham AL will have stock also. I will try to keep you posted on my web site as shipments go out and who is in stock so you will know where you can go to order.
Pat assumed that I haven't been active on the forum because of the "unwritten rule". What unwritten rule? Framer - I posted this because I think it's a great new product. I really don't view this any different than say Kit's inquiry on the new Pro Spray system! The only difference is Pat - the owner/vendor is responding versus many vendors who sit and watch in the weeds. Each framer must make up their own minds on whether this product will help them or not. I do know that everyone I've personally talked to that has purchased an Attach-Ez product, despite it's "high cost" has said that it has paid for itself in the first few jobs. Pat has said repeatedly that she herself would NOT use this product on very high value or sensitive fabrics. What more does anyone want to have her say! Many framers do your standard kids hockey jersey that after 20 years the new wife is going to hide in the closet or toss out!

Like any product you need to use this in an appropriate place. You wouldn't use hot glue or Mini-Weld or silicone for that matter to mount a Medal of Honor would you?

Enough said. Eventually many of you will see this product at a trade show or distributor open house and you can make up your own mind at that time.

And Pat is correct, this has been a great product for us and as more distributors receive their stock and their customer service people see how it's used they will be more informed on the product and how it's used.

Oh...Bill, distributors set the price based on Pat's suggested wholesale price, not Pat. She does not sell direct so therefore her web site refers you to distributors and does not mention a price.

[ 04-18-2003, 09:09 AM: Message edited by: John Richards ]
Quote from John Richards:

Oh...Bill, distributors set the price based on Pat's suggested wholesale price, not Pat. She does not sell direct so therefore her web site refers you to distributors and does not mention a price.

I decided to let this subject rest and deal with the specific questions that I had about the product via e-mail, but, I have to say that this is a complete turnaround from what I remember finding on the original website for this product. Not only was there a retail price on Pat's website but there were ordering instructions for buying the Attach-Ez product. Now, I don't mind anyone changing their website to suit their mood but I do mind somebody trying to create the illusion of something that wasn't so until quite recently.

What is the problem with answering some questions truthfully on this forum about a new product that many of us are curious about but know absolutely nothing about? We all aspouse to wanting to adhere to c/p practices as much as possible when dealing with our customer's precious belongings. But how can we do this when we cannot get the technical information that we need to make an informed decision? And now, we are told that the prices that were published not too long ago on the product website do not exist on the website and weren't set by the creator of the product. Hmmm, that just casts one more element of doubt about the overall veracity of this product.

All I am asking for is some honest information from the makers of a new product so I can decide if I want to put almost $200 of my hard earned money into the product or into something else.

I saw this demonstrated and ordered one at the TC show. They had sold all they had so I am still waiting. I think the price was around $160 give or take a few $ based on show discounts etc. This includes 2 tools and a good supply of fasteners.

This just may be the best purchase I've made since my $2 edge trimmer.

Pat welcome to the grumble, stick around and mayabe you will come up with some other inventions to help future framers.

[ 04-18-2003, 11:05 AM: Message edited by: JPete ]
I'm posting this for Pat because she cannot log on to the Grumble and her e-mails to Grumbler's keep getting kicked back to her. I have Framer checking into it. John Richards...TCM

Framer 1 and staart94,
I don't know what is happening here but for some reason I can't get logged in on the Grumble now, making it impossible for me to answer any of your questions on the reply. The prices on the order forms on my web site have been agreed on by the distributors listed. I did not set them and if you had down loaded a form from the beginning, you would have seen that. As I have said before, my web site is changing weekly based on questions that I receive. The next paragraph answers as many questions as I can answer for you. If this isn't enough then neither of you should buy this product.

If you read every page of my web site then you would know that I do not suggest that you use this product on valuable, and antique artwork, and that there is a way to use it, and still sew that is faster than the old methods. If you had seen the instruction booklet you would have seen the warning about making holes in any fabric art, whether using Attach-EZ system, or the conventional methods of sewing. If you had seen a demonstration you would also know that the system is designed so that none of the fasteners show or are not visible. In my demonstrations I show how the fasteners will break, but not easily. At TC Moulding's show I demonstrated where a T-shirt mounted on a foam board was dropped from a distance of 6 feet. The fasteners held tight, and did not damage the fabric. Everytime I did this, with every garment the fasteners held tight with no damage to the piece. In my estimation this is a very positive feature because, from what I have seen in my many years of framing, most of the damage done when a picture falls is done by the glass cutting the piece when it has been torn from it's stitches. Avery Dennison has used the materials in these fasteners for 35 + years now and the fasteners were designed to go into all types of fabric. If you want specifics about their years of extensive testing then you will have to ask them directly. Department stores have been using fasteners made of the same material as the Attach-EZ system on very expensive clothing for as many years as the fasteners have been on the market. AD's own advertising states that these fasteners were made to withstand harsh chemicals and humidity and to prevent damage to expensive garments. I have some fasteners that are at least 30 years old and they look exactly the same as they did the day that I bought them. All of the t-end fasteners are made of 100% nylon in both the fine fabric and micro's. I do not suggest that the Attach-EZ system should be used on every type of fabric Artwork, but for those who are looking for an alternative to sewing that can be used on a good portion of the fabric artwork that is brought in to be framed, Attach-EZ is a great product. There are two hand tools in the combo kits that do very different things. These hand tools are not the tagging guns that make the huge holes that a few people have been suggesting they are. The needles are very delicate and so are the fasteners. So far there have been hundreds of the Combo kits sold to date and I have yet to receive a complaint from a dissatisfied customer. I hope this answers most of your questions. As far as pricing is concerned I can only suggest what the retail should be. The distributors have the right to set their own pricing. Special Event suggested retail is $152 and regular $162. If you download an order form from any location all parts and combo kits are listed on the forms.
JPete: Our new order is on the way and you should have yours shortly. Framerguy - many of your questions should be answered above. Please keep in mind that Pat adopted a product made by somebody else for an entirely different industry. Because she herself would not use this on many items the CP standards for the product were probably not explored. She has to rely on the manufacturer for this information. I don't think her changes in the website are deceptive at all. She is trying to improve her site so that many of the questions that have been brought up can be answered on the web site and eventually be included in the documentation that comes with the product. Pat and I have had many meetings on how she is marketing this product. It was my suggestion that she sign distributors. You must know that even though N&B, Crescent, TruVue and other giants of the industry have published "Suggested Wholesale" price lists but that the actual price of the products sold by distributors is set by the distributor and can vary greatly from region to region or for that matter customer to customer.

Thank you and Pat for your response to the questions that I sent by e-mail.

I personally feel that any informtion that is disseminated at a demonstration or through a handbook or owner's manual that is pertinent to the general operation of the product should be considered for publication where those of us who don't have an opportunity to attend these demonstrations or have access to the owner's manual could go to get some of our answers to questions. The hints and tips on using the product may, in fact, sway some of us to buying the product if we understood more fully the intention of the product and its different uses. I realize that there are examples on the website and photos of jobs done with your Attach-Ez guns but, as I previously stated, there are concerns that some of us have about what the attachments do and how they react over a long period of time to the customer's materials. In the end, we are responsible for any damage done to our customer's goods. And we must be aware of as many of the benefits as well as the drawbacks to using the product.

I charge a large sum of money for many of my more complicated shadowboxes and I don't want to find out after the fact that a product that I paid almost $200 for is diminishing my work for my customers.

Your answers have shed some light on how the product is used and what its limitations may be.

Thanks for the reply.

OK, I am still trying to get this whole subject into some kind of persepctive and I keep getting rocks thrown at me for trying to undermine the sale of the Attach-Ez product from Mrs. Kotnour. I, in no way, am trying to stop the sale of nor diminish the quality of this woman's product. If my previous posts were read and understood, there is a request for information on this product and I was simply making an attempt to understand what the 2 tools actually did and how I would benefit from spending the purchase price for the kit.

I received this email this morning and am no more informed than with all of my posted questions nor my first email to Mrs. Kotnour asking the same questions that I posted here on the Grumble. (With no specific reply to either request.)

Email from P. Kotnour:

I decided to try to send you an e-mail again. Since yesterday I not only can't get logged on to the Grumble, but I also tried numerous times to e-mail you to no avail.

It seems a bit strange that you have asked me all these questions and now suddenly I can't even log on to answer them. <font color=red>And when I got this email that apparently DID go through, I found no answers to any of my questions.)</font>

For some reason you have taken a personal interest in Attach-EZ. <font color=red>As have many others. But it seems like any questions asked about the product are referred to your website where there isn't a single answer to my specific questions with the exception of the fact that the attaching parts are, in fact, nylon.</font>

Your interest seems to be designed to create a negative aura around this product and I can't for the life of me understand why. <font color=red>Any "aura" seems to be created by the lack of specific information and answers about this new product and the defensive attitude you reflect in your rather vague responses to my questions.</font>

3 M or any other of the manufaturers who bring out new products do not publish their instruction booklets. <font color=red>You are absolutely correct. And I never asked that you publish your instruction booklet in my post. Here is what I suggested:</font>I personally feel that any informtion that is disseminated at a demonstration or through a handbook or owner's manual that is pertinent to the general operation of the product should be considered for publication where those of us who don't have an opportunity to attend these demonstrations or have access to the owner's manual could go to get some of our answers to questions.

Why do you think I should give you something that everyone else who buys the product is paying for?<font color=red>I am not asking for anything more than answers to questions that concern me.</font>

The instruction booklets are a very important part of this system. They were expensive to have printed and are included in every combo kit. They are the part that helps a framer and their employees learn to use the system. No matter how much information I give you, it isn't enough. You want it all. There is only one way to get it all, but quite frankly, I really hope that you don't buy it. I have not had one complaint from the hundreds of people already using this product, but I'm sure you would be my first. Please do the Grumblers a favor and let them make up their own minds on the Attach-EZ product based on accurate information, not on your very biased inuendos. I think JPete's reply says it all. Why don't you listen to him? He has really seen this product and knows how valuable it will be to his shop. <font color-red> I am quite sure that Jeanette will be thrilled to find out that she is put in the "male" category which I find is a bit biasly represented on your website also.

End of email.

Here are some quotes from the Attach-Ez website concerning the apparent lack of "womanly skills" that we men seem to lack in your eyes:

Being a one person frame shop, and even though my husband is very supportive (he does all the cooking), he has the patience of a gnat when it comes to doing anything tedious like the sewing involved in mounting doilies and T-shirts.

And Gal's, the men love ATTACH-EZ because it's easy, and doesn't involve sewing! You know how they are about their toys and new tools.

If you have purchased your Attach-EZ combo kit without seeing a demonstration, it is really important that you read the directions, especially the guys, before using this product.

It seems to me as a member of this blundering class of male framers that, if we did purchase this product, we would not have the capacity to learn how to operate this little "toy/new tool" without seriously hurting ourselves or destroying the memorabilia of our customers.

I will await your response to my questions and hope that your attitude towards the ignorant male framers on this forum will change to a more friendly tone in the future.


P.S. Maybe if you got your husband to read my posts to you, it would clarify the "guy" side of this issue and be more understandable to you.
I have been reading this thread.

The continued mention of Login Problems is re recurrent (is that evev a word?).

Just to clarify issues or mentions related to that:
Framerguy is just a Grumbler. He has no abiliy to do what you mention.

For that matter, neither do I.

However, I think the key to any Login Problem may lie in "Case and Space." To be more specific, "cAsE and S p a c e."

Here is a copy and past of a previous post that may help you in your login problem:

Passwords, as well as your login name are . . . CaSe SeNsItIve and S p a c e S e n s i t i v e .

So that mean if you were using the correct password, but had typed:

merpsmom, or Merpsmom, or MERPSMOM, or mERPSmOM, or Merps Mom, or Merps_Mom and not your actual MerpsMom then you will ave a problem.

Also if your Screen Name different from your Login name, you will have a problem is you try and Login under your Sreeen Name and not your Login Name.

For instance Curly Grumble is the Screen Name for Curly Grumble. But his Login name is curly. Not Curly, CurlyGrumble, or CURLY. Here's another: my Screen Name is Marc Lizer, but my Login Name is Marc Lzier (whoa, rather crafty huh?).

So what is capitalized and were the spaces are, and using the Login, not the Screen name are three important things.

As for the Password, the same is true.

Was your Password "poopsie" or was it "Poopsie?"
Did have letters and numbers and symbols?

The biggest Password problem most people have is caps lock. OR should I say CAPS LOCK?

Sometime while you were srufing you hit that nasty button just above the shift key by you left pinky.

So instead of typing "Poopsie" or "poopsie," you are typing "pOOPSIE" or "POOPSIE," but since you can see only *******, and that could really be anything. So check the CAPS LOCK button when you have the Login problem.
I just did some checking.

Yur "screen name" is "P. Kotnour" With capital P, period, space, capital K and lowecase for the rest.

BUT you actual "login" name is not your screen name. You changed your screen name so it is not the same as your login. Your selected your login as "attachez"

That's attachez with no spaces and no caps.

Use "attachez" (without the quotes) as your login, and enter your same passoword.

I appologise for the intrusion.

We can now return to the regularly scheduled thread that would normally occur in this time slot.

[ 04-21-2003, 01:54 PM: Message edited by: Marc Lizer ]
Also, for the record, the admin contact is "framer" that's all lowercase, no spaces.

The screen names or login names of "Framer 1" and "staart94" are not administrators or modreators on the site. For that matter, I'm not really even sure who they are.

With problems you can contact .(repalce "at" with "@" framer is busy, and may not get back to you right away. You can contact any of the other moderators. We can try to help you as best we can. my e-mail is (again repalce the "at"). There is also Ron, Charles or SueMay (did I miss anyone?).

Again, sorry for the intrusion. I hope this helps to solve your login problems. And any other administrative problems or issues you may run into.
I just used the Attach-ez to attach a golf glove
to a mat board for a hole in one shadow box

And then used the same product to attach 3 pairs
of Chinese shoes for another shadow box.
Before I would have spent half the day sewing these items on the the mat board. I have terrible problems with my wrist and see this as
a great alternative.