Atlanta or LasVegas show?


CGF, Certified Grumble Framer
May 20, 2004
Houston, Texas
I regularly attend the West Coast Art & Frame Show each January in LasVegas, and have always benefitted alot for it. Lately I've been thinking about the Decor Expo in Atlanta.. The education courses seem similar, but I'm wondering how the Exhibitor Events compare. Don't really want to spend the $$ to attend, if it's the same as the show I'll probably be attending in Jan. Thanks for any input.
About the same.. only Vegas is better... and cooler. And there is the Limo ride to Chinese dinner....

Besides, it's hard to find a slotmachine in Atlanta.
I haven't been to Atlanta for a few years now, but the last time there, the hotel was a mile from where we stayed - walking distance, BUT, when carrying lot's of 'goodies', it was difficult.

I like both for different reasons, but it sure is nice to go from the trade show, up the elevato and to your room as we do at WCAF, Vegas.
Atlanta is a lot bigger, in my opinion. The same vendors are at both shows, but they have larger booths in Atlanta.

WCAF has a lot of excitement and shopping activity on the floor. (at least 2006 was, which was our first time there) This will be our third consecutive year attending the Atlanta show, which is also great. We used to attend the NY show, but that has pretty much died.

From the West Coast we try to be in Atlanta every five years. It also gives me a wonderful reason to visit my brother and his family in North Carolina (great hush puppies)

The Chinese limo ride dinner is reason enough for Vegas. Baer, when enough grumblers keep hearing about this Chinese dinner we will have to take over the entire restuarant and have two 25 people stretch limos next year! Oh the fun of just getting in and out of that long cigar on wheels......

I am confused. I thought the limo ride was in Atlanta!

Don't tell me they have limos also in Vegas! And Chinese food too??

PS: I am attending Vegas, but I east Chinese food only in China (more authentic) and only under duress (only as a last resort...)
your right susang, as well as more than a few grumblers teaching great classes.. Nan Powers, Bossy Ellen, Hugh, Jim, John, maybe Bob

We're also partnered with the Dried Flower People, and they have some very interesting "out of the box" thinking going on for marketing.

Now we just have to figure a great place for a Grumble dinner....
When, exactly, is the LV show? Gotta book my flight (and maybe a wheelchair...knee replacement on Dec 26th)

And where can I find more info about it? Classes, etc, or is it too soon for all of that?

Las Vegas or Bust!!! Oh, nevermind the bust part...

Las Vegas!! And does "it" really stay there?
Atlanta is to soon for me, maybe in the future. I lived there for two years, quite a place.

Viva Las Vegas... I'm there... Can't wait... Always a hoot...
Originally posted by Mike Labbe @ GTP:
Both shows will have classes.

Not to be Doctor English or anything slightly resembling it... but I think that should be: "Both shows will have fabulous entertaining and informative classes." :D
Las Vegas is the best show for education, with more good classes than any other venue in our industry.

Atlanta is still the biggest show for exhibitors.

Both shows have good social events.
I just registered for Las Vegas. Book plane reserv. tomorrow.

I'm So Excited!!!

Where to stay? Do I need to rent a car? Register for classes? Which classes?? Questions, first time.

I know it's early yet, but I usually wait until the last minute to do things. Not this time...don't want to miss anything.
pssst Val, there are two Las Vegas shows....

Which are you going to?

If January, [WCAF] Stay at the Hilton, and forget car. Shuttle to the Hilton, and the convention is there. Chinese is Tuesday night. Get your $20 in to Rob Markoff early. If you are hankering for the great Prime Rib.. have it in the Paridise Cafe.. $12 vs $24 in the steak house.. and comes out of the same oven.
Best deal for breakfast is the buffet.

If March [PPFA], check with PPFA... they probably have a deal or two for hotels. There will also be a Chinese run in the limo... They are starting with a "20" limo... but then they have no idea how many grumbles are in just us teachers....

Either way, I'll be looking for Susan Powder's better looking twin sister.
The January one, I think, but I don't understand the difference between the two. I want to attend some classes. And I want to check out the exhibitors. And, of course, meet Grumblers. Which show would I get the most benefit from? Especially classes/seminars. I might need a go-cart (post knee surgery) for the January one, can I "rent" one there?

Heck, maybe I'll go to both! Las Vegas is right around the corner! (Ha!)

Recommendations pleeeease??
January is West Coast Art & Frame put on by Picture Framing Magazine. 4 days of classes and EVERYONE who is ANYONE is there with a booth.

March is Photo Marketing Association/Professional Picture Frames Association/Freeze Dried Flower Association/Professional Scrapbookers Association.

Expect on the 1.4 million square foot convention floor to only find about 2 dozen "framing" vendors. But don't be surprised to see NASCAR cars for Kodak, Fuji, Canon, HP, etc... there is more eye candy that makes no sense to us framers, but it is fun and some times dangerous. :D

There will be about 3-4 days of classes as well, and are taught by some of the nicest Grumblers, as well as highly respected experts in the field.

If you are a class junkie, and Vegas is right down the road... by all means.. DOUBLE DOWN. I'll watch for you both times. :D
Sounds like if I had to choose between the two, WCAF in January would be the best, right? But I might seriously consider doing both. I have a lot of catching up to do, not that it could be done in 2 trade shows, but it couldn't hurt. I know I won't be able to take all the classes I want to in January (which would be all the classes!! HA!). Round 2 in March, maybe.

I'm so becited!

Okay, all you Grumblers going to Atlanta, take notes, I want a report when you get back! I have some serious planning to do! What to bring, what not to do, all that.

And Baer, was that watch for, or watch out for?
Originally posted by Val:
And Baer, was that watch for, or watch out for?
Depends on how you drive that buggy and what you have sticking out front to poke people... :D

Seriously, take classes at WCAF that may not be offered in March.... and be sure you set aside several hours for the floor. It is huge, and it is all dedicated to framing and art.... no NASCARs.

Then in March you can from day one go 9am to 4:30pm.... even if you think you may be brain dead on the third day.... you will be amazed how engaged your brain can get when Hugh Phibbs starts jumpin' and boppin' and a rockin' to the Hinging Hula HoDown. :D Or Bossy Ellen whips out her Convent Ruler and smacks your mat mashers.... :D

At PPFA... your days will be FULL. At WCAF you will be thankful that you know how to talk and eat lunch in under 142 seconds.
I will more than likely be teaching at both shows in Las Vegas. I know I will be at the PPFA/PMAI show and the Chinese dinner at the PPFA show is on March 8th! I think that PPFA is making it a PPFA event, so reservations will go through PPFA and will include the limo ride and dinner for a set price, limited to 30 people.

I will be teaching the strip lining and stretching technique using BEVA and 8XX polyester (for canvas art with no selvage) at PPFA.

If you purchase the "all in one" pass for PPFA, you will also be able to attend some wonderful lunch meetings with a full sit down lunch and great speakers included and a vendor "face to face" cocktail reception which has also proven to be a lot of fun.

I will also be giving a trade show tour to help framers get the most from a show that is primarily focused on the photo/digital output side of the industry. (Though I assure you that there is much to be learned from the trade show and it would be beneficial to anyone who attends.)

PPFA is also our National Trade Organization and this is their annual event. If you want to meet and network with the officers and board and an extremely enthusiastic,welcoming and inclusive group of people, then this is a great place to go.

If, however you are looking for a show with a HUGH trade show dedicated exclusively to art and framing (more and more art vendors each year) and the trade show at the same hotel as the education, and a state of the art education program, the West Coast Art and Frame show from PFM is the place.