ATG Tape - generic brands


CGF, Certified Grumble Framer
Mar 24, 2005
Rowley, MA 01969
Post Road Framers
We have always used 3M ATG tape and are happy with all but the price. I'm now looking at United's Superior brand. What is your experience with this or with other generic brands? Thanks - Karl
Hi Karl. Welcome to the Grumble.

That's a good question. We recently switched to a generic tape. I don't know what kind though. (They had called us and sent us free samples.)

I like it but it's a little different from 3M's.
I gopt a call from USPack in TN. They swore it was similar to 3Ms,....

The tape was priced right, but ultra sticky. Its a bear to clean off when trimming the backing paper! I'm back to using 3M and Highland's brand.
We have always used the 924 3M brand and get a great price from our supplier,especially on sale at case price. We unfortunately had the same experience as Bob and ended up using the free samples to attach backing paper only until it was gone. Want our opinion, I'll never switch again. If you can't reuse the fall-outs because the cheaper brand ruins them, then whats the use !?
I also tried the USPac tape and didn't like it.

I've never tried any others and because of my bad experience it's back to 3M for me.
I used an off brand from Decor or M+M supliers in NJ and I didn't notice any negative or positive diference but for some reason went back to 3M.

Might have just been a familiarity in the packaging.

I'm a little strange.
I've found that the black backing paper doesn't hold well to the 924, so we use Speciality Tape's atg for backing (if for some reason we're not gluing the paper) and any other application that we need to MAKE SURE it doesn't come off.

As for normal matting purposes, we always use 924.

We have always had good results with 3M's Highland ATG from United. Available in 1/2 or 3/4 inch, 60 yd. rolls.
:cool: Rick
We have been using ATG from Specialty Tapes for over 10 years, great product and would higgly reccomend.
Higgly Piggly?
I've tried United's cheaper ATG tape, and am back to 3M. I found the backing paper was coming loose in the humidity when I used it. I glue a lot, but figured I would try the cheaper tape to see how it would do. I have never had any problems with 3M. Just my 2 cents.

We have used a few different manufacturers to produce our ATG tape and I will be the first to admit that not all of it has been world class tape. We now in my humble opinion have it down pat. Our ATG tape is inexpensive but not cheap.
I would like to take this opportunity to offer any Grumblers who sends me an e-mail request for samples, 2 free rolls of our 3579 1/2 x 36 yd roll to try. For those of you who were not satisfied with the quality of our past efforts, I ask you to try again. I really believe we have the equivalent of the 3M 924 tape at less than 1/2 the cost to you. What have you got to lose?
Peter Ackerman
I have had a good response with requests for the free samples as of today. Great response to this thread. Keep the requests comming as I have plenty of tape to give away.
I always buy the 3M Highland tape from United but I sent my email for the free samples! Thanks, Peter!
I haven't asked Peter for any samples, (yet ;) ) but I have been buying the tape he talks about and that FL "plugged" and have been very satisfied with it. Behaves as the 3M brand in my opinion.
Thank You Peter,

One stipulation for the sample was to report back our opinion. I asked for samples last month and they arrived in just a few days. In using the samples over the last few weeks, the 3579 has been equivalent to 924. It is much better than some of the past products. Since receiving the sample, I have ordered more product to use over a longer period.

Another comment is that Peter offers to send samples and follows through with his promise. I ordered evaluation samples from several adhesive & mounting product vendors in January at WCAF and have yet to receive the first sample from any of them.
I also received my samples from Peter and they worked great.
I will be placing an order very soon.
I also received the freebies from Peter (immediately). I got spoiled using ATG Gold at one time, but way too expensive. :eek: The 3579 tape went on so smooth, and I did not notice any real difference in it and 3M. I am back to the 3M 924 only because we had just ordered a case, but I will give United an order when time comes. What is the United # for the 3579 in the 60 yd. rolls? Thanks, Peter
The 60 yard roll from United is number 5341. Our tape is NOT manufactured by USPak. It a European brand and is the best quality tape manufactured by anyone other than 3M. In my opinion it is as good as the 924 at about 1/2 the price.

My offer for free samples is still good. Send your requests to me and you can try our tape for yourself.