Mike, I am using Sintra for my design tables. You are correct, it is smoother than Coroplast, but it doesn't have the give of Coroplast.
It seems to attract dust more quickly than Coroplast, but this might have to do with these tables being closer to the front door. It scratches quite easily. It dents under the ball feet of the crescent wire mat racks.
You can "heal" cuts somewhat by heating the surface and smoothing the cut, but it shows a little. Sintra will do wierd warpy things if you put it in a heat press - it shrinks and warbles.
Like Coroplast, it is easy to clean. When the UPS driver smears oil and dirt from the package bottom over the surface, I can easily clean it with paint thinner or laquer thinner. Water or soap and water are great for everyday wipeups. The blueberry cobbler one customer brought in did stain it a bit.
The way cool thing about Sintra is that you can heat it with your shrink wrap blow gun and then form it into shapes! You can make curves, rolled edges, columns, displays, hooks - it is so much fun.
And it comes in GREAT colors! Black, white, lt. grey, dk grey, bright green, bright yellow, bright blue, dk blue, beige, dk red. A couple of the colors (beige and a couple of others) are not very fade resistant and need to have a coating if they are being used in bright areas. It is used in the sign making trade for indoor and outdoor signs and displays.
I bought my Sintra through my glass supplier out here, they also carry the Coroplast. Sintra here costs about $35 for a 4 x 8 foot sheet.