Artteck Software


May 28, 2004
Grand Rapids, MI
Is anyone using this software or have you tried it? I ran across it at the Atlanta show. It really is incredible software, however it's only as good as the people who are updating and supporting it. Changing over what I am using could be devastating if they drop the ball. Being a visual software if it isn't updated ASAP it will be worthless. I was also told they had some companies samples inputed that they do not yet have, so I'm a little nervous. Can anyone give me any input?

I'd be leary for just the reasons you mentioned. Suggest going with one of the established products. I used FullCalc for about 6 years and about a year ago switched over to Specialty Soft for both of my stores. They have been helpful and supportive and will be coming out with a great updated version in the next few months.
I have used Frameready for at least 6 years. I like it and have no complaints, however there seems to be so many more features with Arttech, mainly visual. I believe it will be a huge plus to show a customer what a piece will look like, I have customers that will hem and haw for 15 minutes over two options. If I could visually show them what both look like it will save me time and I think will score points with customers. So it's not that I'm looking for something that will work, I have that, but this seems to be an incredible program, if only I could be sure. I guess there in sure thing in owning your own business though.

The programs that offer visualization packages include:

Artteck, Castframe, Custom Framer, Framers Guide, Frameshop Pro, Framesmart, Gallery Express, Gallery Pro, Lifesaver (optional module unveiled in Atlanta), Masterpiece, and Masterpiece Manager.

Each one approaches visualization in a VERY different way, and has various levels of support for the rest of the business side of things (order entry flexibility, vendors supported, financials/taxes, pricing updates, ordering, reporting, technical support, barcoding, art sales, etc)

If you ask, maybe the company could give you a list of references/customers to check with? I don't think anyone on here has bought it. If so, speak up