Artist signature - new location


PFG, Picture Framing God
Forum Donor
Oct 13, 1999
Oak Park, MI
minoxy llc
Now I have seen everything.

We received a rejoin - refit job that contained a L.E. offset print as the art. Everything was shipped FedEx and it arrived with open corners and chipped glass (very dirty). The "new twist" is that the artist signed the glass (Conservation clear) with a gold marker! The image is signed as well.

The customer thinks is is worth more with the glass signed by the artist.

The reason for the open moulding corners is that the 3.5" moulding was not nailed in the first place.
Jerome, I was having alot of fun speculating before I opened the thread and read where the signature actually was.

Now I'm wondering whether the glass was signed on the outside or if the artist was a mirror writer a la da Vinci and signed the inside.

Not that it matters anymore, since the glass is broken. I was just curious. (Also curious about how the customer was supposed to clean the glass if the signature was on the outside.)

Originally posted by JFeig:
...The "new twist" is that the artist signed the glass (Conservation clear) with a gold marker!...

This isn't really that new, actually. I recall that P. Buckley Moss did this all the time at signing events in the early 1980's. When folks line up to have her sign L/E prints, someone figured out that the excitement of waiting for an autograph was perhaps taking away from the framed art

With a gold marking pen, pick an item off of the gallery wall, and that can be personalized as well!

Makes cleaning interesting!

Cleaning the inside side of the glass was a snap. We finally cleaned the outside side except for the oval smudge area around the signature.

BTW, did I state that the glass was really "ucky" on both sides as though the original glass cleaning was done with a dirty rag and muddy water.