I was for this magazine last year in the March 2004 issue and was extremely dissappointed with it. 90% of the piece was made up of direct quotes from me. While the article flowed nicely, I guess I expected more effort on their part. As for the actual production, it was nothing short of awful. The colors of my pieces weren't even close. To make matters worse, they also give you 100 copies of the magazine as give-aways. There wasn't even a consistancy of the same quality throughout the 100 copies. A piece I have called "Blue Dawn", ranged from almost a cobalt blue to purple just in the 100 copies they sent me. I think I may have salvaged 10 copies or so of the 100 that were passable. The rest were garbage.
I even sent them a handful back to show the range of coloring in the pieces, but they didn't do anything. Apparently I must have received the "only" bad copies because they could find anything wrong anywhere else. Uh huh....
As for feedback from the piece, I only received one call from company that makes postcards (read no money here folks)
Now I did try to research this prior to signing up. At the time they had only just started this program one month before. I did call the artist and as to be expected, he had not had any feedback, yet. But again, the issue had only just come out so that could be expected. I took the chance, but it certainly didn't do me any good.
Just my opinion, but, I would never do this again.