art for hair salon & Dr's office (neurology)


Apr 13, 2003
Hi. I wondered if any of you pros could direct me to some posters, prints, etc. specifically for a hair salon & drs. office, (which means they want hair & head shots I presume). Any ideas...thx.S.
I received a postcard in the mail a couple weeks ago that said some company (don't remember who) had purchased the rights to bring Patrick Nagels back to the market in open edition prints (not a good investment if you ask me). If you do some searching I bet the hair salon might like them. Another artist for hair would be Dennis Mukai, I have a couple limited editions stashed away if you are interested



Blue Eyes

I will make you a deal if you are interested, had them back in my bachelor days, haven't been allowed to have them hanging for 7 years.
I did a couple of hair salons - worked closely with the owners to determine their theme and took it from there. They don't ALWAYS want hair.

Re: neurologists office. I'll pull in my nursing experience here and suggest prints that are calming, yet distracting. Often, people sitting in the waiting and/or exam rooms are anxious, so prints that would help to take their minds (no pun intended) off the situation are my suggestion.

I hope this helps you some! This, to me, is the FUN part of framing!! I call it "Art Design".
Originally posted by Sherry Lee:
Re: neurologists office. I'll pull in my nursing experience here and suggest prints that are calming, yet distracting. Often, people sitting in the waiting and/or exam rooms are anxious, so prints that would help to take their minds (no pun intended) off the situation are my suggestion.
This is what I would have thought too, but I have a job in right now for a neuropsychiatrist's waiting room that is an assortment of early textbook illustrations of brains; colorful lobes, cross sections, brains, brains, brains. I find them unsettling and I'm not even waiting to have some condition of my brain diagnosed.

(Now back to your thread, already in progress)
We have had much success with abstracts in doctors and hair salons.

Look at Top Art, Image Conscious, and Editions Limited for a good selection.

Also, as Hanna Asked...Both in the same office????