
Framingfool, why does this feel like the recent LM thread?

I have no knowledge of Arquati one way or the other I would just say Caveat Emptor! Order at will and order at your peril!
Well, people actually DO read this stuff .... just got a phone call from a Mr. Barrich (sp?), a principal of Arquati, and he assured me, after having read my angst-filled posting, that Arquati is indeed alive and well.

How come OTHER manufacturers are not as tuned into our discussions as Arquati?

Kudos, Arquati.
Should have invited him to post in response. It would be great to have another manufacturer/company talking with us directly!

I have not bought from Arquati, but I do have artist customers that do buy from Arquati. I wish the company well, as I am sure my customers do!
I liked Arquati. They used to have length distribution up here in Cleveland.

Salesmen usually don't affect my business relationship with a company. They can certainly help a lot! But if I don't like them I just deal direct. I found the need to stop selling Arquati, however. They got someone who just really, really, really rubbed me the wrong way and I just couldn't stomach it after he came in gloating in that "Oh yeah, well look at this!" kind of way because they gave him an award, salesman of the year or something. Previous reps were really terrific. We carried darn near their whole line too, and some mirrors. I still have a couple bins loaded up with Colorwood.

Anyway... that was a long time ago.
Wow- that goes back a ways. I would consider that a collector's item now. I used to love that stuff. Have a novelty item framed in it hanging in our workroom. If you ever do frame anything with it, i would suggest spraying the frame with Krylon UV protectant spray or something equivalent to slow any fading.
:cool: Rick