Arquati problems?

Paul N

SPFG, Supreme Picture Framing God
Jun 10, 2005
CT, not far from the LI Sound
Wasn't there a thread about Arquati recently and their dependability??

And I was one of those who said I had no problem with them...

Well, today, one of my employees tries to place an order for a fillet and they are out of them for 4 weeks!

I hope they are not the next La Marche.

Does anybody else sell their fillets - Looking for 632246000 - ??
Try Continental Moulding in Dayton, OH.
(800) 762-3373. They carry Arquatis. I don't see that one on the current price list, but you never know. Give 'em a call- they're very nice folks.
:cool: Rick
Thanks Rick, will try them tomorrow.

And the Arquati samples maybe trashed soon...

If they cannot deliver, there is no point in selling them. I am having a very short fuse with manufacturer these days.

It makes us look bad having to call the customer and explaining a 4 week (possibly longer) lead time for a fillet.
Come on, it's just a simple gold fillet. You can get it from anywhere.

If you trash their samples because of this, pretty soon your walls will have nothing left.
Originally posted by pk55:
Come on, it's just a simple gold fillet. You can get it from anywhere.

If you trash their samples because of this, pretty soon your walls will have nothing left.
Hey, that was uncalled for! :mad:
I agree with Paul, four weeks is an unreasonable time to wait for an out of stock item. We're trying to run professional businesses and not inconvenience our customers and it's getting increasingly hard to do it. And you're wrong about empty walls - there are companies that we can count on to maintain adequate inventory.
Originally posted by pk55:
Come on, it's just a simple gold fillet. You can get it from anywhere.

If you trash their samples because of this, pretty soon your walls will have nothing left.
I don't know about you, but I carry more than 5 samples... ;)

That's how La Marche and other has-beens started. If you can afford to let your customers wait that long for anything that should be in stock to begin with, or make them come back to choose another item, good for you.

I promise my customers an X number of days for their art. I expect my suppliers & manufacturers to keep their end of the business deal.

If they don't, others will be more than happy to take their place. I am sure they'll be unhappy if I were to tell them "my money is out of stock for 4 weeks".

Do you know how many carry fillets these days? More than you think.
"It makes us look bad having to call the customer and explaining a 4 week (possibly longer) lead time"

I've now had 2 of my 5 regular suppliers giveme that song & dance in the last 1.5 mos. What makes it worse....they claimedto NOT know when/where the replenishments were/would be...what a **** of a way to run a biz!!!!!!!!!
I called today 2 who are listed as Arquati suppliers (from Arquati website).

One doesn't have the fillet, the other stopped carrying Arquati completely...