Are you BRANDED? Oct Poll

HOW DOES MY SHOP APPLY BRANDING? (Check any that apply)

  • Company LOGO

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Business Cards

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sponsor LL or sports team

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Press Releases

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Talk Shows

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • OTHER - Please explain

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

Mike Labbe

Forum Support Team
Forum Donor
Jun 25, 2002
Lincoln, RI
Get The Picture
This month's discussion & poll is about business branding.

Branding is a hot item right now, and this survey will attempt to cover some of the areas - but the rest can be discussed.

Thanks for your participation!

previous poll results
Wow thats a great one. This was a last minute poll and I probably left out a dozen good branding ideas. (Voicemail system, logo on customer's paperwork, etc) That's the beauty of having the discussion forum attached to it. This could make an interesting discussion.

As direct mail responses decline across most markets I see an increasing value in sponsorship, at this point we have only one major project, which is for a hot air balloon, and this is having a fairly positive influence.
Less is branded. It's hard to measure whether it's good or bad.
Are there any thoughts or feelings about this topic?

How do you feel about branding and advertising?

We put our logo on just about everything, including clothing, and get a lot of compliments. At NY and Atlanta, I can't say how many vendors asked if we were a chain and recognized the (shirt/hat) logo from the web. (we're just a 2 person 900sf shop)

I would LOVE to put our logo on the delivery vehicle, which is a personally owned (and not company owned) suv. I'm concerned that this may violate the laws of the insurance gods.

What is effective for you?

Let's get a discussion going.

I have been plastering my Logo wherever I can. People see it. People remember it.

Mike, I have it on my vehicle. It doesn't matter who owns it (you or the company), but you may need "Commercial" plates. Each state is different.

I have noticed some frame shops with logos that simply are too busy. There is no way anyone will recognize it. Mikes is good. Mine could use some more punch, but at least it's obvious.

There is a shop near here that has a Scrolly wordy logo. No one knows what it is. Design is key.
May I also suggest that you have a store name/ logo sign "inside" your store as well as outside. It serves to remind people where they are when they are getting good framing, art, gifts, service, etc.
Naturally I have a lot to say on this subject, but I can't get to it until next week sometime. Feel free to discuss without me.

I spoke to the KY/TN PPFA chapter in September on the subject of "Capturing More Than Market Share". It covers branding, but something more indepth than that.

I'm sorry, but I've got a show this week and it will be late every night when I get in. And I am totally brain dead at this point.

Mike, if your vehicle is your personal vehicle and insured that way then the insurance companies will frown on putting your logo on it. More than likely they would not find out but if by chance they did they could change your rates and not in a better way.

I have been wanting to do this on my vehicle but my wife says that I would have to sell my vehicle to the store then I could use the logo. Why do I listen to my wife....well because she is my wife and it is never wise to not listen to your wife but, she is also a personal lines (auto, home) insurance agent.
No,but I almost got a tattoo once.
Well, I am back and had a good show last week - tiring, but good sales. I can see that you all have moved on to bigger and (maybe) better things to discuss, but I will throw this out just in case there is still some interest in it. If not, just let it slide slowly to the bottom.

As I mentioned, I spoke on "Capturing More Than Market Share." (which, an exerpt from that will be my article in A&FR this month, if anyone wants the link to it.)

What the "punch line" to that statement was, was capturing what I call "Mental Market Share."

For instance, when you see a "swoosh" what do you think of" Nike - right? But in fact, what is a "swoosh" anyway? Did Nike define the swoosh, or did the swoosh define Nike? This is a wonderful example of "branding." Home Depot? Orange signs, and "helping the do-it-yourselfer." Lowes? Blue signs, and "better selections."

Wal-mart? "smiley face and lower prices."
Target? "Red bull's eye, more in style"

These are great examples of branding, but to capture the "mental market share" you need to become the "thing" that the customer thinks of.

For instance - "facial tissue"? Kleenex. I have no idea of the portion of the physical market that Kleenex has, but it has nearly 100% of the "mental" market.

"Copy machine?" Xerox. But now, how many of you actually own a Xerox brand machine? I bet few, if any.

This is what capturing the mental market is all about. And it involves so much more than branding. Branding is important and it needs to be done, but that's only a small part of it.

I know Kleenex had 80+ years and movie stars such as Helen Hayes endorsing the product, but there are ways for us to do it on a more "regional" scale.

More discussions? Or tired of it? (Gee, was I too late?)

I hope you were not too late Betty, I think I veered badly in the wrong direction in my initial lack lustre post on this thread.

The simple part I guess is putting your brand out there on products for reaction, the difficult part as you note is too create an association with your brand and what it stands for so as to control the reaction that is experienced.

For our part we have leaned heavily toward creating an impression of size and selection throughout the photographic goods we carry. Some of the factors that have aided with this:
Large showroom
Very large range of product
Visible merchandising demonstrating links between products in store
Big signage at sponsored events
Big shopping bags

For those who wish to promote their names with sign written vehicles, have you considered using signs printed on sheet magnet? Easily removed for when you want to drive like a Womble.
We must be doing something right. 2 people at the local high school football game last night pointed at me and said - "I need frames."

I said, "I can take care of it!"

As for the vehicle. When the static thingie works on the PPFA sticker, I put it in the van window.

Does getting burned by a high tension electrical wire down your face count as branding?

Other than that, I only have the usual USDA Choice stamp on my back shoulder.....

VERY old stamp.

Today is the final day to participate in this poll.