Are any of the AOL users having more trouble than usual in the last couple of days?


SPFG, Supreme Picture Framing God
Founding Member
Nov 23, 1997
Mandeville, LA USA
We (My daughter and I ,both at home and the shop) use only AOl. We sometimes don't see the BIG problems others speak about. SOMETIMES!
But in the last two days we have had nothing but trouble. We are getting booted continueally ,and it's hard as he ll to get online. when my daughter called the help desk they spent 3 hrs trying things ,they even installed AOL9.0 On my laptop. No differance. As soon as she hung up and signed on ,with in 10 mins down it went. The same thing just ahppened to both of us at home on two computers. It seems worse if the BPD is lower as it is at home.
Are any of the rest of you haveing the same problem? AOL swares it's not them. In fact they have blamed everyone includeing the telephone company and the weather. What say the rest of you AOl people? It's annoying when my TFG post are interuped (To me at least ,you guys are lucky) But my daughter does her colleg work Via the Computer . She is doing Computer animation. Not too much fun when things crash in the middle of a transmission. She is asking if we can shange providers.

[ 11-19-2003, 10:42 PM: Message edited by: BUDDY ]
If it's happening both at the home and shop, I strongly suspect something at their end.

My guess would be the local phone facilities in your city. AOL rents several racks of modems that are usually co-located inside the phone company's central office. It's possible that this equipment, or the lines connecting to it, are having an issue.

One solution might be to try an alternate access number in a nearby city. (One that is a LOCAL/NON TOLL call!) If it clears up, you'll know why.
Buddy, That is not happening on my AOL, so I would suspect it is local. I, too, like AOL. I haven't figured out why others don't. It was the only one that did not charge a long distance fee in my area, when I signed up.
I am so happy to leave AOL land. Like a big ol bag of trash on the curb!!! Bye bye! Way too much nonsense and if I had to go through one more update...9.0 10.0 567.0....gees. I just wanna be on the puter!
Well i'll let you know if the other guys are better. My daughter just couldn't take it any more ,so she dropped AOl and joined Bell South (our local phone company).
She has capitalized alraedy since we subsribe to a phone program that includes a lotof extras,and one of them is dial-up inter net provider service for $4.95 /month. So she is getting her service for a lot less than AOL.
The big annoyance was that after ,Literaly 3 hours of talking to technicians got her absolutely NO solution. The only thing they could come up with was "Maybe it's the phone company" Maybe it's the weather" and the best one" Maybe if you uninstall your Norton anti -Virus it will all go away' .Yeah right it might go awat alright ,I just don't know that we need that result.
At any rate I didn't change yet and she did so I thinki'll compare the two for a while. But her service is $17 to $20 per month cheaper. and she can use AOL IM anyway. so she may have a point. But getting Botted evry 10 to 20 minutes doesn't help when you're trying to transmitt Computerized Art to your University on a regular basis.
I use the Telco for my ADSL line at home. We were continually getting bumped off. We would get online and download messages but then we would get bumped. If we were just surfing we might be able to do that for a couple of minutes. My son, a programmer, tried everything including reinstalling all the programmes. One of his programmer associates heard his story and told him to change the network card. We did and the problem stopped. We always seem to focus on the software and forget it could be a hardware problem.
We've notice over the last couple of weeks that when using AOL our computer locks up and we have to do a hard reboot. We're running Lifesaver as well, and wonder if it has something to do with an incompatibility between the two programs. Anyone have any ideas? I forgot to mention that we use Roadrunner to access AOL.

[ 11-24-2003, 06:40 PM: Message edited by: Kathy Carpe ]
Hi Kathy,

I highly doubt there to be a compat. problem between those two. I know several Lifesaver shops that use AOL dialup service.

Are you running Windows XP by any chance? There are some nasty WORMS floating around that attack you while on the internet and cause your computer to attack others (once infected). This often slows your computer down to a crawl. Checks some of the recent threads in this forum for details.

If you're able to, I suggest connecting to Windows Update (on the start button) and get all the critical updates.

Also make sure your virus scanner is current.

It's great to run AD-AWARE periodically, which will scan for hundreds of different buglets that can slow down the computer (AD-WARE/SPY-WARE). This can be downloaded free at

If pop-ups annoy you, I suggest the free GOOGLE TOOLBAR from (services and tools link) It works!
